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Fathers 4 Justice - The Official Campaign Organisation · 19,260 like this. 10 hours ago · SUPPORT MARTYN JUDD TODAY! On 9th August 2013 Martyn Judd courageously staged a protest at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel about the presence of a Cafcass conference in the building. At one stage his protest saw him dangling over a balcony, 70 feet above the ground. Martyn was recently convicted for the protest (see details below) and was given a 12-month supervision order, 50-hours of community service and a fine of £3298.50 Can we ask EVERYONE to make a contribution – no matter how great or small – towards Martyn’s fine today. https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MR222AQURF9NG READ HIS STORY HERE fathers-4-justice.org/martyn-judds-story-my-fight-for-my-daughter/ His protest is featured on our News Review on 9th August here fathers-4-justice.org/category/latest-news/ SUMMARY OF MARTYN’S TRIAL At his trial Martyn attended Solihull Magistrates accompanied by Duncan Smith and Steve Holiday the F4J legal rep. Despite breaking down 2-miles from the court (a £350 repair bill to add to the pain), finally called at 12:30 or so. CPS presented the case again and Steve mitigated. Bench of three, with a very sensible chief Magistrate, but one of the others who wanted a very strong punishment and one undecided. At one point, the chief Mag wanted to hand down a £500 contribution to costs and compensation, but after 10-15 minutes of deliberation (in front of us all), they finally handed down the following: 12-month supervision order (probation) 50-hours of community service £3298.50 to cover the damage caused at the Hilton Hotel He has until 13th November 2013 to pay the compensation order, or agree a payment plan with the collections department. PREVIOUS HEARING Attended Solihull Magistrates Court to answer charge of Criminal Damage to Property less than £5000, namely to hotel rooms at Hilton Metropole, Birmingham. Steve Holliday attended as legal counsel. There has been a concerted effort by Birmingham Legal Aid department to derail my application - they informed Kim on Monday, less than 24-hours before the hearing, that they were sending back the paperwork because a number was wrong! In court, Steve accused them of pussy footing around, which didnt go down too well... The CPS and Steve had a long chat and Prosecutor actually pretty sympathetic, but made it clear that they will not allow the case to go to Crown Court. The full amount claimed by the Hilton is nearly £8000, including everything from replacing slippers in the room to replastering a part of the lobby ceiling. What CPS has done is to break out £3300 in actual damage and the rest as a compensation claim. It was stated that, despite this, they are not going to try to recover more than £5000, which is the Magistrates limit. So, the case stuck at Solihull. The case against me was very well constructed, including statements from 3 police officers all saying that they saw me enter the room and then return to the balcony soaking wet and saying I set the sprinklers off and The sprinklers are on. Also included statements from security stating that the key lock records show no access other than long before sprinkler activation and some time after activation. CCTV also seized showing no access to the corridor, other than after sprinkler activation. Even a statement from fire safety company stating that sprinkler can only be set off by heat or physical damage. Steve advised that there were parts if the evidence that could be questioned and dismissed and that we could request service logs, etc; in reality these would be red herrings. I would be found guilty, regardless, as it was in Solihull Magistrates, ie no way out. Steve said that he did not like being backed into a corner, but that is what has happened. I have a few previous convictions and CPS had highlighted this as bad character. If I pleaded not guilty, there was a very good chance that the sentence would be custodial and I would still have to pay the £5000. I had to decide whether I wanted to go to prison for setting off a sprinkler in a hotel room, or reserve that for something more meaningful. In the event, I (after listening to Steves advice), to plead guilty, not to intentional damage, but to reckless behaviour. Steve summarised this to the court, laid before them my situation with regards to Elizabeth and the reasons behind the protest and the injustice of the Family Courts. The Court accepted that this. In the event, the case was adjourned for 3 weeks for the Probation Service (in Chelmsford) to prepare a pre-sentencing report. I will return to Solihull on 30th at 10:30 for sentencing at 11:00 fathers-4-justice.org/martyn-judds-story-my-fight-for-my-daughter/
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:52:17 +0000

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