Father’s Day Revision My dad died this year. It was sad for - TopicsExpress


Father’s Day Revision My dad died this year. It was sad for sure, but it was also a happy ending to a chapter in an awesome book of life. It was a book about a man that I never saw lose his cool not as a father or a husband. A book about a hero to me because many times he chased away the goblins, monsters under the bed, strangers turning the knob on the front door, and hideous things in the attic and basement. But it was also a book about a guardian, a fishing and hunting guide, a gun smith, a carpenter, a mechanic, a farmer, a mailman, a store clerk, a carpet layer, a businessman, a story teller, a teacher, a fence mender, a plumber and electrician, a faithful son, but the best part is the part about a loving father and a loving and faithful husband. That is my dad. If you work out with weights and have worked out with both dumbbells and barbells, have you noticed something? Well I have. If I push up 110 pound dumbbells for a set of 10, that should equate to pressing 220 lbs when I get both my hands on a barbell? Wrong. Why would that be if each arm can do 110 then then together they can do 220 for the same reps, it’s simple addition right? But in application, I can press it 20 times with both arms so somehow or somewhere my arms and body found extra strength to call upon. I found my mom and dad to be the same in pushing through life. My dad was such an awesome dad and mom was such an awesome mom. They were good people as individuals, but together they were so much more. Together they became great and just like my arms do well pushing individually, together and united by my body they find so much more capability. Parenthood has that same phenomena. Dad was a great dad because he had mom and mom was a great mom because she had dad. They became one in Holy matrimony and Jesus said let no man separate what God has joined for they have become a new creation. Just like my arms straining on that bar are united by my body and they too become stronger than they are separated, so do parents joined by what the eyes cant see. Mom left this world first and dad was never the same. Now because of Jesus, I have hope they are reunited in a much better place and that God has restored that beautiful energy he gave them many decades ago when they both said, “I do”. So Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are great by themselves, but for me it needs revised or at least acknowledged that acting together, joined together, both mother and father can push through so much than they could have as individuals. For me on Mother’s day, I celebrate my mom and the fact she remained faithful to my dad and on Father’s day I celebrate dad the same way and reflect on his commitment he made to my mom and that made them both far greater than they ever imagined. So that is my Father’s day revision, I celebrate both mom and dad for they were and remained one and us kids flourished within that love. The book hasn’t ended, just new chapters are being written and I will trust God to write the ending. Thank God for being so loving and God bless my mom and dad. Happy Fathers Day mom and dad….I love you more than I ever realized.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 10:39:19 +0000

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