Fatima Simbala, I got this from Sutenet Tiye notes Beyond - TopicsExpress


Fatima Simbala, I got this from Sutenet Tiye notes Beyond Patriarchy: Rethinking the Role of Patriarchy in Traditional Afrikan Religions November 17, 2010 at 6:26pm Beyond Patriarchy: Rethinking the Role of Patriarchy in Traditional Afrikan Religions Contrary to abolitionist’s writings, many Africans enslaved in America were not Christians, but were practitioners of various African ancestral and ritual experiential highly complex systems of worship, that have their ancient ancestral roots in the matriarchal cultures first established by African women thousands of years ago. Presently, nearly all of the ancient black god/desses and their symbolisms, were painted over in European and other ethnic faces, that black women and men no longer recognize their own ancient mothers, nor the spiritual and ecclesiastical legacy bequeathed to them.” “Mami Wata as an ancient African deity of Isis, and the divine manifestation of the feminine principal, is the master of all magical, divinatory, prophetic, philosophical and religious systems in ancient Africa. There is no indigenous spiritual system that currently exist in Africa that is separate from Mami Wata.” “Unlike her European counterpart, Black women were not originally born under the yoke of patriarchy. During ancient times, all of Africa was matriarchal; achieving high. The religious systems imposed on black women (and men) today, are merely a corrupted version stemming from the overthrow of the spiritual and political kingdoms that their ancient mothers built and established throughout the entire ancient world. As the birthright of the African people,its logos (divine truths) were subsequently disseminated as their gift to the entire world.” “Conversely, under African patriarchy, her temples were usurped, her priestesses were chased from the land or subjugated, and her original logos (spiritual truths) were hopelessly corrupted. In ancient Egypt, her images were destroyed and replaced with colossal monuments erected to the great pharaohs celebrating the rise of patriarchy and its aggressive military expansions. In her place, diminutive statues were erected depicting the queen mothers (Mama-Isis/Sibyls) as minor figures. A deliberate act of sacrilege to symbolized her final subjugation; and meant as an insult celebrating her global spiritual decline. “In the Diasporas fight to reclaim their ancient Egyptian ancestral history against the Eurocentric whitewash, the majority have failed to critically examine the social, political and spiritual significance of those ancient monuments, in order to understand why Africa, boasting the most powerful kingdom on Earth, was left vulnerable to her less developed enemies. In spite of this patriarchal backlash against her, the great queen mothers did not back down. They continued to fight and many did prevail ,as they and millions of their votaries fled into Mycenae, Ionia (now called Greece), Asia Minor (southwest Turkey), Syria, Israel and Jordan. It was there where they rebuilt their great spiritual temples and continued to reign as the primary seat of sacerdotal power for Africa and the ancient world.” Today, in contemporary times, millions of Black women continue to suffer from a generational spiritual malaise, largely because they have lost contact with their divine mother. Millions of Black men too suffer an unspoken spiritual emptiness, because they were originally nurtured under the yoke of the Divine African Mother, of whom they have forgotten, and their ancient fathers ultimately rejected in favor of the one dimensional force of cultural patriarchy.“ “This spiritual alienation might explain one of the major reasons why Black men do not understand what they believe to be the defiant and rebellious nature of Black women. The reason might be explained because her primal spirit (just as his) was born free, under a matriarchal yoke, which understood and lived the divine concept of spiritual complementariness. That (matriarchy) was the natural (in contrast to the politically and culturally imposed) order of the African world for thousands of years, is never questioned by Africentric scholars, and Blacks who have rediscovered their spiritual roots. “ “They espouse arguments for an “African World View” assuming the raise of African patriarchy in Africa to be a natural consequence of cultural and moral evolution. However, what they and others have failed to recognize in their indictment of their oppressors, is that the ancient soul of the Divine African Mother was already deeply enraged even before the advent of Arab/Euro-colonialism and slavery. These Africentric scholars never, considered the possibility that Her anger and subsequent “punishment” might have been directed toward them, and not necessarily at a foreign power. “It is under present day patriarchal Africa that the mother religions have been almost completely shunned and forgotten. Abandoned and condemned, because they were the sacerdotal power of the matriarchs, now replaced with patriarchal corruptions. Thousands of African women are routinely burned, ostracized, and killed; accused of being “witches because they carry the powerful spirit of the old matriarchal logos. This is evidenced, (with the recent exception of Benin), that , no African nation claims an indigenous African spiritual system as their national religion. All have aggressively embraced the virulent patriarchal religions of their present and past conquerors.” Today, in the Diasporas attempt at reclaiming what was lost, stolen and strayed from them by others, few have bothered to critically examine the internal devastating wars between the matriarchs and patriarchs, and what was ultimately taken from within Africa from her original matriarchal rulers. Perhaps, it could be argued that the Diaspora and Africa is suffering from an ancient curse brought upon them due to the “sins” of their most ancient ancestors. It is possible too that until the Divine African Mami God/dess whose curse African people might still be living under today, is fully restored-reestablished, no African will ever be spiritually or universally free.” “As many in the Diaspora reclaim their spiritual heritage in the traditional religions of Africa, it is critical to carefully examine current patriarchal social and cultural structures of its present pantheons, and its religious customs, which are arguably designed to continue to oppress the souls of black men and women who carry the divine seed of their ancient mothers. It is through her that the spirit is inherited, and it is united with her that liberty will prevail. Mami Wata: Africas Ancient God/dess Unveiled, is an attempt to unearth, document and examine the role of the African priestesses of the Mami Watas in establishing the ancient religious systems in both the Vodoun of West Africa, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. It also attempts to offer a more multidimensional character to African Traditional Religions first established under the African matriarchs. SYNOPSIS/EXCERPTS FROM AUTHOR: Mami Wata: Africas Ancient God/dess Unveiled, Reclaiming the Ancient Vodoun Heritage of the Diaspora. Vol 1& II,900 pgs. Published by the MWHS, 2005. Mama Zogbé (Mamaissii Vivian Hunter-Hindrew, M.Ed) Taken from mamiwata/news.html
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:08:17 +0000

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