Fauntleroy Twinkletoes. I mean, thats just outrageous. And - TopicsExpress


Fauntleroy Twinkletoes. I mean, thats just outrageous. And insensitive. Im light on my feet with a lot of feathering on my long legs. Yes, I prance, but I didnt choose to. One day I stopped being wider than I was long, my legs kicked in and there I was....royalty. Hey, we cant all be royalty. Everybodys got their journey, their job. Mine is being royal. And handsome. Now hes calling me Fauntleroy Twinkletoes and chuckling . . . snorting even, like hes amazed by his wit. I dont think its funny, picking on me like that. He probably wishes that HE had longer legs with a lot of fur on the back of them. Can he do ears like I can? All he can do is wiggle them. I can move mine any which way. Do you ever see him climbing a tree, ripping at the bark with such power, hanging from his teeth? No. Oh well, I should really cut him some slack. After all, hes only a two-legged. And he does feed me most everything he eats. I give him the look; ears up, eyes wide . . . .works every time. Tonight, however he is eating Blue Corn Torilla Chips and only giving me a taste,saying that there were not going to be any snacks as I was gaining too much weight. Me!! Hes the one that eats next to nothing and cant lose a pound. Hes the one that does all that huffing and puffing, groaning and moaning, then checks himself out in the mirror to see if hes still there. So Ive picked up a little size. Its good. I was too skinny. Whenever I had to take a bath, the worst thing was to see how much of me was fur. Theres a reason why Im not a water dog; Id have gotten eaten if they knew how slender I was. Im coming into my own. No more whos my puppy? What a good boy! Whos a good boy! Ive arrived on the block. The squirrels and crows know it, the gardener, mailman, the local leashed canines know it. Cyclists, skateboarders, delivery men. They all know it. They say I look like a wolf, and when I sneak up on them and nip at their heels, they go all red in the face and start yelling at PMG im lying on the bed beside PMG as he taps away at his computer, munching on his chips and hummus. I think Ill just close my eyes for a bit . . . theres a bird singing out in the yard...the bed feels warm... my paws light...as if I could fly.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:04:06 +0000

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