Faux amis - C caméra (F) vs camera (E) caméra (F) is - TopicsExpress


Faux amis - C caméra (F) vs camera (E) caméra (F) is a movie camera. caméra (E) = un appareil photo. canal (F) vs canal (E) canal (F) can refer to a canal, a channel, or an intermediary. canal (E) = un canal or un conduit. candide (F) vs candid (E) candide (F) means naïve or ingenuous. candid (E) means open or frank: franc, sincère. car (F) vs car (E) car (F) is most often used as a conjunction: because or for. As a noun, it refers to a coach or bus. car (E) is une voiture. caractère (F) vs character (E) caractère (F) refers only to the character or temperament of a person or thing: Cette maison a du caractère - This house has character. character (E) can mean nature/temperament: Education develops character - Léducation développe le caractère, as well as a fictional character in a book, play, movie, etc.: Romeo is a famous character - Romeo est un personnage célèbre. carton (F) vs carton (E) carton (F) is a semi-false cognate. While it can refer to a box, it can also mean simply cardboard. It can also indicate a target, sketch, or card. carton (E) can be a pot, carton, boîte, brick, or cartouche. case (F) vs case (E) case (F) is a square or a box (e.g., on a form), a compartment, or a hut. case (E) can refer to un cas, un procès, or une valise. caution (F) vs caution (E) caution (F) is a financial term; it can mean guarantee, security, bail, or backing. caution (E) indicates prudence, circonspection, or avertissement. cave (F) vs cave (E) cave (F) = cellar, basement, vault. cave (E) = une caverne, une grotte. ceinture (F) vs century (E) ceinture (F) is a belt. century (E) is un siècle. célibataire (F) vs celibate (E) célibataire (F) as a noun means a bachelor, as an adjective can mean celibate or simply single/unmarried. celibate (E) is the adjective célibataire. cent (F) vs cent (E) cent (F) is the French word for a hundred. cent (E) can be figuratively translated by un sou. Literally, it is one hundredth of a dollar. chagrin (F) vs Chagrin (E) chagrin (F) refers to sorrow or grief. chagrin (E) means annoyance or embarrassment: la contrariété, la gêne. chaîne (F) vs chain (E) chaîne (F) can refer to a chain, a production line, a TV channel, or a stereo. chain (E) can be a noun - une chaîne, or a verb - enchaîner. chair (F) vs chair (E) chair (F) means flesh. chair (E) can be une chaise, un fauteuil (armchair), or un siège (seat). champ (F) vs champ (E) champ (F) refers to a field (in all senses), while champs = country(side). champ (E) is an informal abbreviation for champion - un champion. chance (F) vs chance (E) chance (F) means luck. chance (E) refers to un hasard, une possibilité, or une occasion. charge (F) vs charge (E) charge (F) as a noun can mean burden, load, cargo, responsibility. The verb charger means to load or to charge. charge (E) the noun can mean inculpation, accusation, or attaque. The verb to charge can mean accuser or faire payer. chat (F) vs chat (E) chat (F) is the French word for cat. chat (E) is both a noun and a verb: bavarder/bavardage or discuter/discussion. chope (F) vs chop (E) chope (F) is a mug or pint. chop (E) can be a noun - une côtelette, un coup - or a verb - trancher, couper, hacher. choir (F) vs choir (E) choir (F) is an old-fashioned or archaic verb which means to fall. choir (E) indicates un choeur or une chorale. christian (F) vs christian (E) christian (F) is a masculine French name (learn more), while christian (E) = (un) chrétien (not capitalized). chute (F) vs chute (E) chute (F) refers to a fall, loss, collapse, or failure. chute (E) is une glissière. circulation (F) vs circulation (E) circulation (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the circulation of air, water, etc., it can mean traffic . circulation (E) means circulation or propagation . client (F) vs client (E) client (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to client , it can refer to a customer , patron , or patient . client (E) is a client . coin (F) vs coin (E) coin (F) refers to a corner in every sense of the English word. It can also be used figuratively to mean area: lépicier du coin - the local grocer . coin (E) is a piece of metal used as money - une pièce de monnaie . collège (F) vs college (E) collège (F) refers to junior high school : Mon collège a 1 000 élèves - My junior high school has 1,000 students . college (E) is translated by université : This colleges tuition is very expensive - Les frais de scolarité à cette université sont très élevés . combinaison (F) vs combination (E) combinaison (F) is a semi-false cognate. It can refer to a slip , overalls , or a ski-suit . combination (E) is equivalent to the French in virtually all senses of the word. In British English, Combination can also refer to un side-car . combine (F) vs combine (E) combine (F) is an informal term for a trick or scheme . combine (E) can be translated by une association , une corporation , or, in agriculture, une moissoneuse-batteuse . To combine = combiner or joindre . comédien (F) vs comedian (E) comédien (F) can refer to any actor , not just a comedian/comedy actor. It can also indicate a sham or show-off . comedian (E) is a comédien or comique . commander (F) vs command (E) commander (F) is a semi-false cognate. It means to order (a command) as well as to order a meal or goods/services. Une commande is an order . command (E) can be translated by commander , ordonner , or exiger . It is also a noun: ordre or commandement . comme (F) vs come (E) comme (F) means like or as . come (E) Come is the verb venir . comment (F) vs comment (E) comment (F) is an adverb meaning how or what : Comment vas-tu ? - How are you? Comment tappelles-tu ? - What is your name? comment (E) is une observation or un commentaire . commode (F) vs commode (E) commode (F) as an adjective means convenient or handy ; as a noun it indicates a chest of drawers . commode (E) rarely means a chest of drawers, in American English it usually refers to a toilet: toilettes or cabinets . In British English, it means a special chair with a hole, under which is a chamber pot (normally used by disabled persons): une chaise percée . commodité (F) vs commodity (E) commodité (F) means convenience : les commodités de la vie moderne - the conveniences of modern life. commodity (E) refers to a product for trade, goods: produit , article , denrée (latter refers only to food). complet (F) vs complete (E) complet (F) is an adjective: complete , comprehensive , full , total . The feminine form is complète. It is also the noun for a mens suit . complete (E) is an adjective: complet , terminé . It is also a verb: compléter , finir , remplir . compréhensif (F) vs comprehensive (E) compréhensif (F) can mean comprehensive as well as understanding or tolerant . comprehensive (E) has many meanings: détaillé , complet , étendu , global , or compréhensif . compromis (F) vs compromise (E) compromis (F) = a compromise , while the expression compromis de vente refers to a provisional sales agreement . As an adjective (past participle of compromettre), it means compromised in both the positive and negative sense (We have compromised with our friends and Our mission has been compromised). compromise (E) refers to un compromis or une transaction . As a verb, it means compromettre , transiger , aboutir à/accepter un compromis . con (F) vs con (E) con (F) is a vulgar word that literally refers to female genitalia . It usually means an idiot , but can also be used as an adjective in the sense of damned or bloody . con (E) can be a noun - la frime , une escroquerie , or a verb - duper , escroquer . concerner (F) vs concern(ed) (E) concerner (F) is a semi-false cognate. It means to concern only in the sense of to affect or to have to do with : Cela ne vous concerne pas - This doesnt concern/affect you . Thus concerné means affected by , not concerned about something. concern (E) is a noun means rapport , affaire , souci , intérêt , etc. As a verb, it can mean concerner / toucher as well as inquiéter or préoccuper . concierge (F) vs concierge (E) concierge (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the concierge of a hotel, it can refer to the caretaker of a building or apartment house. concierge (E) is a member of hotel staff. concret (F) vs concrete (E) concret (F) is an adjective which means concrete (in the sense of real / tangible or made of concrete ). Feminine version: concrète. concrete (E) can be an adjective or a noun: le béton . conducteur (F) vs conductor (E) conducteur (F) is the general French term for a driver . In terms of electricity, it is both a noun - conductor and an adjective - conductive , conducting . conductor (E) refers to un contrôleur or un chef dorchestre . confection (F) vs confection (E) La confection (F) refers to the making or preparing of clothing, a device, a meal, etc. It can also refer to the clothing industry A confection (E) = une sucrerie , une friandise , une pâtisserie , un dessert , etc. conférence (F) vs conference (E) conférence (F) is a lecture or conference . conference (E) is une conférence , un congrès , or une assemblée . confiance (F) vs confidence (E) confiance (F) can refer to confidence or trust . confidence (E) means confiance , while self-confidence is assurance . confident (F) vs confident (E) confident (F) is a noun, the French equivalent of confidant - someone you tell all your secrets and private matters. confident (E) is an adjective; the French equivalents are confiant , assuré , sûr , and persuadé . confortable (F) vs comfortable (E) confortable (F) = comfortable for a place or thing. comfortable (E) can also be used for people, but in French this would be translated as à laise or bien . confus (F) vs confused (E) confus (F) means ashamed , embarrassed , disorganized , or uncertain . confused (E) means désorienté , déconcerté , confondu , or embrouillé . conseil/Conseiller (F) vs counsel (E) conseil/Conseiller (F) can refer to a hint or piece of advice ; a consultant or adviser ; or a board , committee , or council . Conseiller means to recommend , advise , or counsel . counsel (E) is a noun: une consultation , un conseil , une déliberation , un avocat (in formal English) and a verb: conseiller , recommander . consumer (F) vs consume (E) consumer (F) means to consume only as a fire or as ambition consumes. consume (E) usually refers to eating or drinking something: consommer . contrée (F) vs country (E) contrée (F) refers only to the physical boundaries of a piece of land or a region . country (E) can indicate un pays , une patrie , or la campagne . contrôle (F) vs control (E) contrôle (F) is a semi-false cognate. It usually refers to an inspection , verification , or test , but it can in some cases indicate self-control or control of a vehicle . control (E) indicates power over someone (including oneself) or something. corde (F) vs cord (E) corde (F) refers to rope or a string on a musical instrument. cord (E) = un cordon . corporation (F) vs corporation (E) corporation (F) can refer to a corporate body , guild , or, in general terms, profession . corporation (E) is une société commerciale , société à responsabilité limitée , or compagnie commerciale . In the UK, it can also refer to un conseil municipal . corps (F) vs corps (E) corps (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to a body of people like Corps de la Paix - Peace Corps , corps can mean (human) body or corpse. corps (E) refers to un corps of people. correspondance (F) vs correspondence (E) correspondance (F) can mean correspondence , conformity , balance , or a travel connection . correspondence (E) means correspondance . courageux (F) vs courageous (E) courageux (F) can mean courageous , but is also used to mean up to or not lazy: Je ne suis pas courageux - I dont feel up to it ; Sois courageux ! - Dont be lazy! courageous (E) = courageux . course (F) vs course (E) course (F) means running , une course is a trip , journey , or race . course (E) refers to un cours or une route . Of course = bien sûr . courtisan (F) vs courtesan (E) courtisan (F) is a courtier or sycophant . courtesan (E) is une courtisane . crâne (F) vs crane (E) crâne (F) means skull as a noun and gallant as an adjective. crane (E) = une grue (both the bird and the machine). crayon (F) vs crayon (E) crayon (F) is a pencil . crayon (E) translates as un crayon de couleur . The French language uses this expression for both crayon and colored pencil. crier (F) vs cry (E) crier (F) means to scream or shout . cry (E) is a semi-faux ami. As a verb, it can mean crier , but more commonly meaans pleurer . As a noun it is un cri . crise (F) vs crisis (E) crise (F) is a semi-false cognate; it has several meanings in addition to the English sense of crisis : une crise dasthme - an asthma attack, une crise de colère - a fit of anger, une crise économique - an economic slump. crisis (E) refers to an extremely serious event: crisis management - gestion de crise . crispé (F) vs crisp (E) crispé (F) means tensed or flexed , from the verb crisper. crisp (E) is used mainly with food: croquant or croustillant . cuisine (F) vs cuisine (E) cuisine (F) is the kitchen or cooking . cuisine (E) is just a fancy word for the cooking of a particular region ~ cuisine in French.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:24:49 +0000

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