Fawkes Movement My sister asked a question on a volatile issue the - TopicsExpress


Fawkes Movement My sister asked a question on a volatile issue the other day that deserves an answer. The question was regarding the growing Guy Fawkes movement. My only advice is to avoid it completely and here is why. For those that are not familiar with Guy Fawkes and the global Fawkes movement, I will give a brief history. Guy Fawkes was an English activist back in the early 1600 that was displeased with the government. The government of England was not democratic at the time and left few options to those wanting to put an end to a tyrannical government. At the time, he saw violence as his only recourse. He plotted to blow up Parliament using gun powder, but was unsuccessful in doing so. In Britain, Guy Fawkes and the mask of bearing his likeness became a landmark in history. The mask was popular on Guy Fawkes Day celebrated on November 5th in the United Kingdom and on Halloween. The British government is no longer as it was at that time. The name and mask had been delink to the violence of his action and was a symbol of protest to oppose Authoritarian governments. Since the release of the movie “V for Vendetta” in 2005, the mask took on a global symbol to many causes, some peaceful and some radical movements. The Fawkes movement has no place in The United States because unlike other countries we don’t have to hide behind masks like the terrorists, the label Liberals have tried to link to conservative groups. Liberals have gone so far as to declare our founding fathers as terrorist when in fact the liberals are the terrorists disregarding our constitution and rewriting in text books to suit their agenda to convert the nation to communism. We have the right to change government under our constitution as stated and recognized and condoned by former Presidents of our great Nation, we don’t need to be linked to any movement or hide behind masks. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, one of our most respected president s, "The government, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." This is what the liberals fear, they didn’t learn from “the battle of Athens” in 1946 but President Franklin D. Roosevelt, his wife Eleanor and the corrupt county government learned well and even supported the actions of the citizens that exhausted every other means of correcting the voter fraud, armed suppression of voters and violence by corrupt authority. This is why the Liberal and Democratic controlled administration fears us and why they are pushing gun control laws to infringe upon our second amendment rights. As of yet, the people have not been pushed to extremes, but it certainly is a last resort. Our government, for decades, has created a population of battle hardened veterans that swore an oath with no expiration, fought for our country, to end tyranny and believe in this countries fundament rights to free speech, the right to bear arms, freedom, privacy and more. Like many veterans, I served and I swore to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic and unlike politicians, we take that oath seriously. This current regime and its beliefs that are unconstitutionally forced upon us are not the principals and beliefs I defended and not the government I will accept. We have the right to change this government at every level. We have the right to VOTE on who runs this government and how, so we can change it through this avenue. We have the right to be heard, petition your representatives, call your representatives, fax them, email them, recall them and even speak out at town hall meeting. Republican John McCain has hosted informative town hall meetings and was, without fear, told he is no longer in touch with the people he represents and has now realized it may be time to retire. The Ninth Amendment to The Constitution of The United States, the bill of rights, makes it very clear that any powers not specifically given to the Federal Government are retained by the States and THE PEOPLE! Obama and his liberal allies are, in violation of the Ninth Amendment, attempting not only to grab more power they are constitutionally forbidden and by the using Presidential Executive Orders to attempt to bypass the lawmaking process. Why our representatives have failed to challenge this is a mystery to me. “We The People,” will not tolerate the taking of our rights, our God or destruction of the Constitutional Principles. I strongly suggest everyone goes to this site and reads the “battle of Athens,” jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/athens.htm. Okay Liberals, have at it, label me what you will, but you can’t get away from labeling me as factual and honest in this. I will proudly be added to the Liberal list of terrorists beside our founding fathers. Ed J
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:57:49 +0000

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