Fear “False Evidence Appearing Real.” Unknown Is your life - TopicsExpress


Fear “False Evidence Appearing Real.” Unknown Is your life controlled by fear? It is something I had to ask myself recently. I’ve been going through Napolian Hill’s book “Think And grow Rich”and I’ve come to the realization that my life was motivated by fear. I’m telling you that fear is a brutal task master. We need to keep in mind we were born pretty much fearless, and the fears we have are trained into us. We were born in love. A quote from the Bible “Perfect love cast out fear.”I realize we say we are glad when a child develops a healthy fear especially of vehicles, and heights etc. I could probably be better said they gain a healthy respect or an awareness of what can harm them. First off the seedlings, or some of the roots of fear are Indecision and Doubt. If these two are allowed to take root they grow into this ugly Monster called Fear. This trio often germinates in our subconscious mind growing very slowly till becomes the monster that it is. You may say,”What chance do I have?” Keep in mind. Whatever you put in the mind is what comes out of the mind. The thoughts you think,the literature you read the movies or media that you watch. It is critically important that you take control of what is going in your mind, and carefully evaluate what is already in the mind. What is your life motivated by? There is six basic fears that we will categorize and I’ll let you decide. The first major fear is the Fear of Poverty.This was a big one for me. I grew up fairly comfortably you could say. We always had what we needed,but we always had debt. Now I am not here to hold any thing against my dad. He worked extremely hard to provide for our family of ten. If you have the belief that you have to have debt to succeed in in life you probably always will have debt. One of the most crippling beliefs in our society today is that the wealth in this world is limited. I’m here to say that wealth is not a limited resource. God and his universe are just waiting in readiness to pour out wealth upon you when you are ready. Most people don’t believe that we all have an equal chance in life. I will say that if you have sound mind and are reading this article here, that you have as much of a chance as any millionaires son to get that million dollars in your lifetime. An important point I would like to inject here is “It’s not the million dollars that is important it is the person you became getting there.” There is much talk today about this recession that we are in. Again I will say turn that TV of ,turn that radio of. What you hear on there is probably about 90% negative. Now I believe it is good to have somewhat of an awareness of what is going on in the world, but if that is all we feed on we will be immobilized with fear. Fear of poverty paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys your faculties of imagination, kills self reliance,undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, and makes self control an impossibility. Once I was able to get out from under this dark cloud of gloom, I became unstoppable. I realized God placed me on this earth to do great things. Things that I could not do when I was crippled by fear. Again I say “Perfect love cast out Fear”. I really recommend Napolian Hill’s book “Think And Grow Rich”. I can promise you if you really take it to heart your life will never be the same again. You should be able to find it on Amazon. Next week I will continue with the 2nd main fear that keeps us from living life to the fullest. Experience fearless success here ===>ctincomeprofits.weebly To Your Success! Curtis Troyer
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 03:29:51 +0000

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