Fear Not Have I not commanded you? “Be strong and courageous. - TopicsExpress


Fear Not Have I not commanded you? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 I had heard that there were 365 references to “fear not” in the Word of God. But I just read that there are over 500 actual references or conversations about fear in the Word. I haven’t actually counted them myself, but I am sure since this is a widely covered subject, the Lord knew that fear was going to be a daily battle that each of us must face. He is so faithful to always speak His truth over the lies of the enemy. We just have to decide which voice we are going to believe. I watch my little grandsons as they deal with small issues of fear that Satan tries to throw at them on a daily basis. My oldest grandson, Ben struggles with fear of something happening to his mommy. In almost every Disney movie for kids, something happens to the mother. The child is left orphaned and faces huge and horrifying events after the mother dies. It’s the plot of the enemy to instill fear in the hearts of children at a very young age. My daughter helps her son to recognize that it is a lie of the enemy and he has to lift his shield of faith to come against it. Needless to say, we don’t watch Disney movies anymore. I have always had issues with Halloween. I never let my children celebrate it, growing up. Even if it wasn’t an occultic celebration, it is totally FEAR centered. Why does anyone want to instill fear in their kids? There is, however the “fear of the Lord”, and according to Strong’s concordance means to dread or be afraid. There is an honor and reverence to not be taken lightly, as you tremble in His presence. But as you come into His presence, He and only He can bring you His Shalom Peace. He and only He can give you the confidence of being fearless. My other grandson Ethan, was going to start kindergarten this fall. For three weeks prior to it, he was anxious and irritable. He never really verbalized why he was so upset and cranky. Finally one day, my daughter and I were praying around the city, with her two little ones in the backseat and Ethan was not happy. I asked him what was the matter and of course he said, “nothing.” And then, I asked him if he was worried about going to school or if he was afraid. He put his little head down and whispered a muffled, little, “yes.” Immediately God dropped in my heart Joshua 1:9. So I shared it with Ethan. I could see his face change. And I knew he had to get that word into his heart so that it could become truth to him. So I made up a little song and made the words a little easier for him to understand. I started singing, “Fear not, the Lord is with me! I am strong, I am courageous! Fear not the Lord is with me! I am strong, I am courageous!” He began to sing it with me and with each time he sang out the words, his voice was a little stronger, a little more powerful. Every time we sang “strong and courageous”, he would bend his little arms, like Popeye and show me his muscles! We sang it the rest of the way, praying and anointing the city. He sang it to his daddy when he got home from work. Shortly after, Ethan has started school and he loves it! The other day, I was pushing his baby brother in the swing in their backyard and Ethan was swinging in the swing next to him. He just started singing, “Fear not, the Lord is with me! I am strong, I am courageous!” He said, “Baba, I still remember this song you taught me. I sing it at school. Do you sing it at your work?” I said, “no…” He said, “Oh Baba, you need to sing that song to all the people you meet everyday!” The Word of God is a powerful sword that gives you the strength to lift your shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. So my precious little warrior had to face the dragon of starting school, but he was equipped with the Word of God and it gave him the courage he needed to slay that dragon of fear. The Word of God and Its truth has been branded to His heart. So my prayer for you today, no matter what you may be facing that makes you tremble with fear…bigger giants than going to kindergarten, possibly a lost job, foreclosure on your home, a sick loved one, or illness in your own body, maybe an attack from a friend, a broken marriage or relationship, come boldy into the presence of a Holy and Mighty God, let His Word and His peace give you the boldness and the courage to run onto that battlefield, slay that dragon of fear and be victorious! Line up your words with His Word, sear it to your heart, and watch an amazing and awesome Savior become your valiant warrior! Fear dissipates and you win! Fear not, the Lord is with you! You are strong, you are courageous! Fear not the Lord is with you! You are strong, you are courageous! MindyKaye
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 19:34:16 +0000

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