Fear Not Words Of Encouragement Part 3 Fear of limitations is a - TopicsExpress


Fear Not Words Of Encouragement Part 3 Fear of limitations is a big hindrance to achieving all that God would have us do. We are good with coming up with reasons why we cant do such and such. Im too old, too broke, race, gender. If we can perceive it we can achieve it. This is nothing new to our generation. Jeremiah felt the same way. When approached with an assignment he was ready with an excuse; But I said, Hold it, Master God! Look at me. I dont know anything. Im only a boy! Jeremiah 1:6 The Message Bible Everyone has experienced perceived limitations at some point in their life. My most recent bout came when I began writing Daily Moment Of Thought My excuse was Im not a writer. The most structured writing Id ever done had to do with scribbling in a personal journal. Half of which I cant read clearly. My penmanship was and still is terrible. But its only when I decided to take a giant leap of faith that Im seeing just how much a blessing it is to me and others. Day by day Im becoming closer to the writer God would have me to be for Him. In other words faith married grace. So now I ask; What is your perceived limitation? Whats holding you back from going back to school, starting a business, or whatever your dream may be? I am willing to say that whatever you think it is, its probably not. What Jeremiah said wasnt really his fear. In the next few verses of the passage we can see what his fear really was. Dont be afraid of a soul. Ill be right there, looking after you. God s Decree. Jeremiah 1:8 The Message Bible Looks as though Jeremiah was afraid of the people. God not only called it out but reassured him there was no need to be. Maybe its time we had our chit chat with God through prayer and begin to understand what we really fear. Allow me to be clear that Im aware there will be things were limited in doing. However, well never understand exactly what they are unless we leave fear behind and make a sincere effort toward things we may be able to accomplish. Fear of limitations is something Im glad to have gotten rid of in my life. For God truly knows how limiting it was for me. Ive learned to desire and dream once again. Im also willing to try and see what God has placed in me. Its a wonderful feeling. Everyone enjoy your day. Sonja
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:16:49 +0000

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