Fear Of The Lord PROVERBS 9:10 NKJ 10 The fear of the LORD is - TopicsExpress


Fear Of The Lord PROVERBS 9:10 NKJ 10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. I look at fearing God like a young child would look at a good father: He is not going to harm me -- but He wont permanently let me get away with anything, either. While Gods wisdom may cause Him to not always immediately respond to our wrong-doing, we can be sure that eventually God will deal with us. We can be confident that we do not have to be afraid of God because He has revealed His nature to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, God is all-knowing and powerful beyond our imagination, so we should not think we can rebel against God and get away with it, either. ISAIAH 8:13 NLT 13 Do not fear anything except the LORD Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else. God has never been wrong, and you wont succeed at being the first to outsmart Him. Gods way is perfect, so when we scorn Gods wisdom and go another way, we are destined to fail. We should be afraid of that! Think of fearing God as respect, but extreme respect of the most powerful Being, and you will have the meaning. We need not be afraid of God, for He will not harm us. But if we are wise, we will be afraid of going any way but Gods way, because it will not work. SAY THIS: To fear God means to highly respect Him, not to be afraid that He will harm us.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:53:06 +0000

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