Fear (PTSD Self-help Skills) Fear is related to panic attacks - TopicsExpress


Fear (PTSD Self-help Skills) Fear is related to panic attacks but I have decided to separate these symptoms because fear in particular, is a more pervasive feeling – the physical aspects of anxiety attacks require a slightly different approach. So many fears can plague you during PTSD because you have been hurt and are hurting in the present moment, hence the symptoms which arise at this time. It may be difficult to go to work, to trust anyone, to socialize, to take risks and so on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling and thinking in this way when you are in profound pain because you want to avoid further pain. This is your self-preservation instinct kicking-in which is also the purpose of fear: protection. You will encounter problems here when this emotion takes over completely so that you are almost paralyzed by it. When you find that you have entered this extreme, try the following: • Aromatherapy: Lavender, Rose or the woody essences(sandalwood, cedarwood, rosewood) • Rescue Remedy (Bach Flower Essence) • Writing • Meditation • Breathing Exercise (see below) • Color Therapy (pink in particular: see below) • Visualizations (either of the two mentioned in Part One: see below) • Nature • Get physical Breathing Exercise The simplest way to calm down is to focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath in then exhale slowly counting backwards from five. If you can extend the count to ten or fifteen that is even better. Repeat this until you feel calm. Color Therapy Pale colors are very soothing – wearing them or looking at them helps to keep you at peace. Pale blue (e.g. the sky) and pink (e.g. flowers) work wonders. Green is another very healing color abundantly found in nature. Visualization Visualization is a more elaborate type of meditation which requires the use of images, colors and symbols. When you are not too psychologically fragmented try the following visualizations in order to feel more calm and centered: Heavenly Haven Close your eyes and imagine yourself at a beach (or another heavenly place). Take a few deep breaths and then see yourself walking along the beach. Become aware of your feet, feel the sand between your toes its grainy texture and warmth. Watch the sparkling turquoise colored water. Smell the salty air. The sound of the waves relaxes you even more (change these instructions depending on the setting, e.g. a forest would include moist soil, tall trees, crisp fresh air and so on). Feel the calmness and take this with you as you open your eyes. The Heart of the Matter Picture a red ball of light in the center of the earth with a beam of that light coming up through your feet filling the lower half of your body until it reaches your heart. Then see a white beam of light from the sky going into your head spreading through the top half of your body until it merges with the red light in your heart. Imagine the red and white lights mixing to form a pink light. Watch that pink light move across your chest and then flow to every other part of you. Stay with this image until you are at peace. Copyright Helen Papadopoulos 2013 DIY Therapy: Trauma newagepower.net/self-help-books
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:00:00 +0000

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