Fear What Is Holding You Back When we are born into this great - TopicsExpress


Fear What Is Holding You Back When we are born into this great world we live in, we have no fear. We take everything for what it is, we accept people the way they are, and we are not afraid to poop the bed, or puke on someone to tell them we are full. We get a little older, a little more mobile, we start to walk, then that is a whole new world to explore. That’s when it starts, that is when the grown ups that know whats best and are full of fear start to explain that “you should not touch that”, “stay away from this or you will get hurt”, “don’t climb on that or you will fall”, “eat all your carrots or you will go blind”(I don’t know, I must have heard that when I was a kid, I guess). Now being a parent I know that we just want what is best for our kids and we want them to be and feel safe, but there has to be a more positive way of communicating this to our fearless kids, so we do not teach them to live in fear. As kids I remember throwing a little hay out the barn loft door 15 feet to the ground then jumping out. The first few times hurt like hell till we figured out if we threw more hay out the window the landing was softer, that was the best thing ever. Can imagine if our parents knew we were doing this, we would have been locked up for days. Now granted jumping out a barn door maybe wasn’t the smartest thing to do ,but we had no fear of it and we figured out that by throwing more hay out, made the landing softer and safer (safer didn’t really matter at the time) We as grown ups fear what we don’t understand and instead of learning and trying to understand, we take the easy way out, go back to our comfort zone, and walk away from our fears. Never growing, never learning! Fear whats holding you back? Where would we be if Christopher Columbus listened to everyone and never set sail across this flat world of ours? He took the risk, put himself and his crew in danger, put the fear aside and away he went. He had no way to know for sure he wasn’t going to fall off the edge of the earth, but he went forward anyway. That very well could have been the best decision he ever made for himself, for the whole world even. He could have taken the easy way out, let fear hold him back, stayed home and wondered what would have happened, but he didn’t and that action changed the world. How about the Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur that invented the airplane, where would we be if they let fear take over and didn’t follow their dreams! Can you imagine what was going through the mind of the person who first tried the parachute. What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail? How do you know what the outcome will be unless you try! I am realizing that I am not as fearless as I thought I was, let me tell you that was an uneasy feeling. I have learned that even the smallest of my fears have been holding me back in the biggest of ways. No more fear The one thing I am grateful for is that I am now willing to face those fears and make the changes in my mind to go after the things that are important to me and never stop till I achieve them. Identify your fears, learn what it is you are afraid, understand why you are afraid, figure out how you are going to over come them. Then keep going till there is nothing holding you back, especially yourself! That’s my thought for the day, leave a comment below, tell me if you agree or disagree, tell your story of fear or overcoming fear. Don’t let fear stop you from sharing your story! Have a great day!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 04:34:17 +0000

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