February 20, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods - TopicsExpress


February 20, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - My Great Infinity God Through Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: MY GREAT INFINITY When you begin to see through My eyes, everything becomes more ethereal. A dead branch is just the remains and a memory of a seasons passing, just a moment; an earmarked leaf. There will always be a change of seasons, bringing blessed memories in the making. A glorious new sunrise is born instantly, just at My conception of it. Your perception of true beauty changes, with eons spent in observation of, other souls in tandem with your own. A beholding takes place and forms before you, as new hearts are born within, and ever so gently you awaken from a dream. You see not as the world sees or defines beauty, but as I see you from Heavens Gates when I look upon all My Creations. Beckoning you ever onward and upward, with a gaze of love so intense, you cannot resist the urge, our spirits go dancing. Without vanity or comparison, of one life form to another, recognize another part of your self and bid it a graceful welcome. With your hearts eyes, every being transcends the limiting word beauty embodying only My Sacred Light. Your soul then sees with pure and holy clarity. A blessed transcendence into effervescent beingness to look forward to; when you, My spirits of light, leave the bodys warm confinement, for the other side of forever. You shall not taste of the second death; and are set free with total abandon. Your race has been run. Secrets will be held no more; neither shall there be anything lacking when you come full circle. You are Heavens cause and effect, one of great rejoicing and renown; souls shall laugh as One for eternity. Yet in truth we are laughing there now. So laugh heartily I say and away! The bellowing winds of joy that then come, dry traces of righteous tears from your faces; With loves kiss and a last hiccup so utterly Divine, you will cry no more. The same time as it is finished here, it is also just beginning. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/2151/great-infinity#ixzz2v3ehSiKt
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:47:27 +0000

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