February 2011 Matt and I found out we were pregnant with our - TopicsExpress


February 2011 Matt and I found out we were pregnant with our third. The pregnancy didnt feel right from the beginning. We lost are angel. We were heart broken. At that time I decided I needed to get healthy. I had gastric sleeve surgery in June 2011. I lost 100 pounds and was so ready to start trying again. We went on low dose fertility in September 2012 the same kind we went on to get pregnant with Maddie. In December 2012 we found out we were expecting again. We were excited and scared. We had just told our family and they couldnt of been happier. I remember we went home and decided to have a slumber party with the kids. We pushed their beds together and we all layed down and watched a movie together. It was a Disney movie and Matt and I fell a sleep immediately. The next morning I woke up to me miscarrying. I was 9 weeks. Again we were heart broken. The kids had their Christmas concert at church that day and I stayed home. I made Matt of course video tape their concert. They were so adorable. When they came home they brought me a Christmas ornament. It was an angel and the birthstone of August the month I would have had the baby. We stayed on fertility and they increased my dosage. Nothing was happening and after a year the doctor said it wasnt healthy for me to be on it anymore. Again we were heart broken. We always knew we wanted three munchkins running around. In November of 2013 I was introduced to doterra essential oils for my son Noah. It helped him so much with his asthma that I decided to use the oils for myself. In March without even trying we found out we were expecting again. This time it was not good from the beginning. And it ended in another miscarriage. I was angry. Angry at myself thinking it was something I did, angry at doterra because I thought if these oils worked so good for Noah why wouldnt they work for me, and angry at God. How could he take something a third time away from us. Something we have prayed about for so long. In April we went to a fertility specialist and we were told we would never get pregnant naturally it would have to be IVF and there is a good possibility it wouldnt work. My body just could with stand another pregnancy. Again anger, heartbreak and the feeling that I failed came over me. Matt and I decided that if it was meant to be it would be. I also decided to take all pesticides out of the house. No harsh chemicals, no laundry soap, dryer sheets, lotion, deorderant, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, all cleaning supplies. I then made my own of everything using doterra essential oils. I also added elevation oil to my regiment to help with any thyroid issue I might have. At the end of July we decided to sell everything we had that was baby related. We had given up and decided to happy with the two beautiful children we already had. The day after the garage sale I had one $0.88 pregnancy test left and thought I am going to take it just to bring our trying, ups and downs to an end. It was the end of the chapter, the closer I needed to let go. I took it annnnnnndddddd it was positive. The most positive line we had ever seen. I didnt get excited because of my history. The next day Matt went out a bought 3 more. I took them over a week and all were positive. I still was not getting excited. I called my OB and I had my beta hcg done. We repeated it three times over a week in half. My numbers were more than doubling and tripling. My doctor says everything looks good and is right on track. Now we are early and baby G is due at the end of March, but we thought we never shared any of our expecting with our friends so this time we wanted to share with everyone. We wanted everyones support and prayers. My family believes so much in prayer that we thought why not share our excitement and get prayers from all of our loved ones, maybe this one will stick. So yes we are expecting baby number three. Everything points to great and we would like as many prayers as you can give for our miracle baby. We are more than excited and the kids who have wanted another brother and sister even cried when we told them. Love to all of you!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:09:42 +0000

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