February Monthly Horoscope for Taurus This may turn out to be a - TopicsExpress


February Monthly Horoscope for Taurus This may turn out to be a VERY exciting month for your career, your home, and your social life, dear Taurus. Lets start with your career, which will be first to bring exciting opportunity if you send out the word that you are open to a promotion or an entirely new job. The new moon that appeared on January 30 was in Aquarius, 11 degrees, and will open doors to professional opportunities. You would be wise to consider each of them. If you are self-employed, you can now generate excellent new business. Aquarius is the sign of electronics, the digital world, IT, software and digital media, as well as scientific research, and humanitarian and not-for-profit businesses, so these are some of the areas you will do best, but you may find luck beyond these industries, too. The new moon of January 30 was in perfect angle to Uranus, the planet of completely unexpected news and events out the blue. You may see a VERY lucky break, very soon, dear Taurus. How exciting! Last month was difficult because Venus was retrograde, but fortunately, Venus recently went direct on January 31. You need to always watch the movements of Venus because Venus is your ruling planet, and whenever Venus sleeps, its always harder for you to make progress. Thats over, and Venus will not retrograde again until July 25, 2015 to September 6, 2015, so you have an open road now - make the most of it. The little glitch is that Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius from February 6 and 28 in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. This means I would not want to you to actually accept a new position in February, but you can discuss one. Mercury retrograde does not worry me because it is clear any new position that comes up for you now would be an important one, and big jobs take time to win. New friends are likely to come into your life, and you will gain much by being open to circulating and meeting others at months end. Neptune will be conjunct the Sun, so you may have a heavenly event scheduled for the coming weekend, say, Friday night, February 28, or over the weekend of March 1 or 2. It may be a party, a wedding, a dinner for two - you will know when it arrives. If your birthday falls on April 30 plus or minus five days, or you have Taurus rising 10 degrees (plus or minus five degrees), or a planet in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn 10 degrees, or one in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer at the same degree and tolerance, you will also benefit from this new moon. As soon as this new moon arrives, February 28, you might want to join a club, professional or social, or get more involved in a social media venue. The new moon in Pisces will bring you in contact with very creative people, so the new friend(s) you make may be involved with the arts or be very visionary people who will inspire you very much Summary Dress for success, dear Taurus, for the new moon that appeared January 30 has lit your house of fame and honors in a very exciting way. During the first ten days of February, the professional offers you will receive will be as sudden and exciting. It will be your best point in 2014 to aim for a new position or to pitch a prestigious client. Stay on your toes! Your extraordinary career opportunity will come from an unusual source, and it will be from one you would not have thought to bring such fortunate news. It appears that a VIP has become impressed with your performance from behind the scenes, but you may not know the identity of this powerful person who has championed your name. That does not matter. What does matter is that this month may bring the dazzling career offer youve long awaited. Uranus will support you all the way, so get your resume polished and have an outfit ready when the call comes to interview. Friday, February 14, would be an excellent day to interview, make a pitch, or have a meeting, as Mars will be in elegant angle to the Sun, ruling authority figures, who will look kindly upon you and all you have to say. The Sun is now in your prestigious tenth house of honors and achievement, raising your profile and allowing you to look and act like the leader you were born to be. Mars, now in your project sector, will support the Sun, so the work you are doing now will be what pushes you ever higher - there is a direct link now between the two, so make sure your projects are all they can be and worthy of your name. Mercury will go retrograde from February 6 to 28. This will complicate matters, as this would never be a good time to announce a new and important commitment. However, if the person who you will work for in the near future is someone from your past, you would be continuing a long-running relationship - not a new one - and so you can accept. (New ventures are not favored during Mercury retrograde.) It may take you until next month to fully crystallize the offer, so be patient. Great jobs take time to win. If you take a job with Mercury retrograde, you may not be doing precisely what you anticipated you would do. Thats never an ideal situation when about to take a big career step. However, the new moon is a marvelous time to investigate new job offers, so see what develops and take everything one step at a time. With such mixed messages from the stars, you can make this month work for you. Your home appears to be subject of the full moon in Leo on February 14, so you may be hosting a party for friends on Valentines Day, a good idea. It will be as if the universe has sprinkled rose petals all over you on that joyous full moon. A Leo moon is luxurious and stylish, so it appears youll be pulling out all the stops to make this day memorable in every way. If you have a sweetheart and want to have a romantic night for just us two, transform your home into the most romantic place on earth, fit for a movie set. On this Valentines Day, home is where you will be happiest and where love will flourish. The month will end on a magnificently social note when the new moon in Pisces will appear February 28 / March 1 (depending on your time zone). You may need to travel a short distance to see friends at this time. Again, when it comes to your accommodations, youll want luxury, and the universe will comply. Any event you attend on Friday night, February 28 (through the weekend, extending to Sunday, March 2), would likely be poetic, lyrical, and special in every way. In weeks ahead, from this new moon forward, you may make new contacts and friends, and the new people you meet will likely be highly creative, reflective, deep thinkers. Your life is about to open like the tender petals of a magical flower, dear Taurus Dates to Note for TAURUS Most romantic dates, and can be used for other purposes too (these are good days for you): February 1, 5, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, and 28. Mercury will be retrograde February 6 to February 28. The new moon of January 30, still very strong and helpful in early February, will help to rocket you to an exciting top job. Send out the word that youre ready for a new, more responsible position. This is your best window of opportunity of 2014 for career advancement, and it will last two weeks. Your best moments come February 1 to 5. Valentines Day is coming February 14, and you may decide to give a party at your home. Coinciding with thoughts of love, this day will bring excellent news about your living situation. You may conclude a negotiation to buy a house or condo, or find the perfect piece of furniture, or paint your living room a beautiful new color. Family support for you will be very strong, and that may include a check. Work will be very busy throughout February, with lots to do, and new clients coming through the door, thanks to Mars in Libra. Something you do on Sunday, February 23, will be heavenly fun - see a ballet, hear a poetry reading, enjoy a concert, see an art exhibit? You decide. The new moon in Pisces, February 28, will open you to new people, and among them you may make new friends. Your social life should pick up noticeably. The Sun in ideal angle to Jupiter February 28 may cause you to travel in the days that follow it, and if so this quick short trip would be so much fun.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:00:24 +0000

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