Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s - TopicsExpress


Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded Oct. 30, 2014 4:12pm Jason Howerton ------------------------------------------------------ Kevin Wood, a Marine Corps veteran who fought and lost friends in Iraq, says he complained to school officials at La Plata High School in Maryland after his daughter was given a mandatory homework assignment about the religion of Islam. However, his request for an alternate assignment was denied and he was reportedly banned from his daughter’s school entirely. The assignment in question reportedly required 11th grade students to write a three-page essay about the “five pillars” of Islam, Mecca and Mohammed. “I don’t agree with it,” Wood told Fox News in a phone interview. “You can’t study God or Christianity in school. You’ve got atheist suing schools for saying ‘God’ in the pledge and not being able to say prayers before football games, but we can force-feed our kids Islam.” When the father confronted school officials at La Plata High School, he said they defended the assignment and would not allow his daughter to complete an alternative assignment. In a recent interview with SoMD News, Wood was a little more descriptive as to what he told a school official about the assignment. “I told her straight up, ‘you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive],’” Wood said. “If [students] can’t practice Christianity in school, they should not be allowed to practice Islam in school.” It was unclear if that was the blunt comment that got him banned from the school. Katie O’Malley-Simpson, a spokesperson for the school, said Wood was banned from school property after he allegedly threatened to cause a “possible disruption.” “We’re not teaching religion, we’re teaching world history,” she added. Wood’s wife, Melissa, said the “problem” is that school officials have no idea “what he endured when he was over in Iraq.” She also revealed that “he lost friends, and he lost brothers and sisters to these people.” She said in a recent interview that her husband never made any threats and the situation has “gotten totally blown out of proportion.” While the family is attempting to resolve the matter, Wood said his daughter will take an “F” for the assignment if she is not given the opportunity to complete a different assignment, Fox News reports. Other Must-Read Stories Hey Young People: Now’s the Time to Get Married and Have Kids Brittany Maynard Said She Would Willingly Die November 1 — but Is This Video Evidence That She Changed Her Mind? See the World Series Performance of ‘God Bless America’ That Left Many Fans Scratching Their Heads I taught my kids about Islam at home. It didn’t require five pillars for them to learn the lesson – just two towers. common sensechristian “The assignment in question reportedly required 11th grade students to write a three-page essay about the “five pillars” of Islam, Mecca and Mohammed.” Another way to handle that essay was to write a very unfavorable essay portraying the islamic religion as the crazy insane nut jobs they are. “We’re no teaching religion, we’re teaching world history.” Effin’ lying beotch! If you’re teaching the 5 pillars of islam, then you’re teaching about the religion…not world history. My heart Bleeds for this Family. I hope they did not vote for Obama, Common Core, Islam, Constitution dismantlement, and any other Warning signs that were perfectly clear for everyone to see before they pulled the Lever for this horrible man. That’s right I said Horrible Man. And not one American can even imagine the Horror that is to come in the Streets of America. Warning, do not go to the Bible and read what the Bible says is about to happen when God Remove Lawlessness from the face of the Earth. All Warning in the Bible have happened. Nothing left to do except wait and watch in Horror. That was clever. :-) However, it should also be noted that it was not Islam that caused the destruction of the twin towers. They were detonated, exploded, leveled, and “terrorists” were concocted as scapegoats because that’s what the public would believe. Steel beams do not melt, bend, weaken, or crumble by kerosene or office fires. I am fully prepared to get downvoted, but the truth about 9/11 is that it was organized by men in suits sitting in an air-conditioned office, not men in turbans sitting in a dimly lit cave. If before threatening to cause a disruption he would have simply shouted, ” Allahu Akbar” he would have been invited for show-n-tell, tolerance day, school pep rally, and given the opportunity to share his “religion” during a school wide function. Not to mention he would have been offered an honorary faculty position to enhance multiculturalism. This would have been a great opportunity to interject Christ into her school. She could have used the opportunity to compare the 5 pillars of Islam with Christianity. She could have explained that they were really worshiping the devil and that they claimed it was peaceful; but really not. Kevin Wood, you are a good father. Thank you for your service, and thank you for being an engaged citizen and concerned parent. IF you and your family are ever in CA at the end of May, please come and be honored as we remember those like your friends who gave all. Only in America can we teach Islam and not Christianity. Every American, regardless of faith, (or lack thereof) needs to stand with this Marine and say NO MORE! I am personally sickened to my very core by what has happened to our country in the time since I took off my uniform. The school calls it world history vs. religion; this is because they view the Quran as historical non-fiction and the Bible as fictional religious stories? And now FORCED to do a common core islam assignment. I know what I want to type right now but I don’t want 0bama’s secret service goons at my door. We are at war with our government, the founders warned us about these tyrants. She could turn in an assignment showing the beheading of “infidels” and rape of 9 year old girls. Present Islam for what it is; a cult that perpetuates the oppression of women, prohibits non-Muslim education, promotes genocide, opposes technological advancement, and makes every attempt to circumvent the legal systems of the countries they infest. Or, maybe she could take her teacher hostage, beat her, give her a partial stoning and then behead her at a pep rally. The world would be a better place had Muhammad never lived, so now we must kill his minions on battlefields across the world. You don’t need five pillars to teach Islam in school – just two towers. commonsense christian How about the alternative assignment be on Christianity? That should be perfectly ok since its “a part of history” too, but somehow I think that would not be allowed. my daughter also resisted the brain washing and was valedictorian! The principal hid when my wife and I walked in. Include the barbarity of Islam in relation with their five pillars. Have your daughter research and use APA citations to show how bloody and evil that philosophy really is. Yes! That’s the idea! Do not run from these issues. Islam SHOULD be studied. If my kid got assigned to do “a three-page essay about the “five pillars” of Islam, Mecca and Mohammed” — then I would be delighted to talk with him about Dhimmi, the little Christian boys who were forced to become Muslim Janissary and convert to Islam, about people worshiping a meteorite (well, it would be review because I’ve talked with him about that already) and give the TEACHER an education. Also include the fact that by saying the prophet speaks for God, they omit that God speaks for God and give a mortal man divine authority… and strip (that authority) from God. Include the fact that rather than raising local moral standards as one might expect from a prophet being compared to the morals of his times and calling people to a higher standard… instead he lowered the standard(s). Research the shock from some of his contemporaries as he violated the established norms… and not in a good way. Good for him standing up for his beliefs. Is there a comparable section on the Pentateuch, or the Gospels of Jesus Christ? How about one for Hinduism, or Buhdism? Get that Muslim loving crap out of our schools. If Hinduism was as radically antiwestern as Islam, the public schools would be having all the children chant Mantra to Lord Siva, and the Bhagavad Gita would be a primary text. Our public school system has rotted from the inside out from the leadership of all American democrats. May they all rot in Satan’s bowels. The five pillars of Islam: 1. Mass murder 2. Conquest 3. Pedophilia 4. Deception 5. Mind control Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Sue the school. Make them pay millions of dollars in fees. Do the same thing that the left do to Christianity stuff. Problem with that idea is that the property owners and taxpayers are going to foot the bill. The school should respect the Marine over Islam and let his daughter do an alternative study. Of course the liberal Nazis of today will never “lose” to a marine. They would rather “fight” this marine and win the argument rather than show grace to someone who served our country. Meanwhile these same idiot teachers and administrators are all for illegals coming into our country breaking our laws but when it comes to an assignment, you had better tow the line citizen! What a bunch of liberal fools. How can they say they are not teaching about the Muslim religion? The theocracy of Islam is wrapped around the Muslim religion. It is based on the faith, not just the principles of the faith but the actual participation of the faith. The Republic was based on the Judeo-Christian beliefs, but not the religion. You don’t have to be either one to be an American. Islam says that your choices are 1) convert to Muslim religion 2) pay a non Muslim tax, Jizya 3) be put to death for not converting or paying the tax. How can they say it is not about the faith? I haven’t watched it in probably 10-20 years. Remember that show COPS. Remember how someone would be caught red handed and lie, lie, lie and sound convincing. There they were just liars. Here, if they have a logical set of words they can say for a reason, even if they have other intent they can be deceptive and honest. I think when you ask someone like that too many questions they get indignant or refuse to cooperate. Islam is not based on truth. Observe what they do. Do you see them as the religion of peace? Been a problem for centuries. They fight and kill one another because they don’t agree among themselves what the rules within their own belief system are. The history of violence and lack of respect for human life should make it clear that our distinctly different cultures are not compatible. Take the F on the assignment. Nice job father and Marine, don’t back down, you are 100% Correct! God Bless you and your family and thanks for serving what has become an ungrateful nation. Do they teach religious history about Christianity and the 10 commandments ? Those are akin to the 5 pillars of Islam. In the west, most all use the Gregorian calendar and the Roman alphabet. Our legal system is based on Christianity, etc. The Catholics have been trying to halt the advance of the radical Islamic threat for almost a thousand years. And those kids will at least be answering the questions with an alphabet standardized by the Pope. Actually … I don’t blame him! … Trying to explain that Islam’s teaching aren’t a religion, is like saying fire doesn’t burn … World History??? I don’t remember hearing or being taught the story of Moses or the theology of Easter in school????? As long as ALL of us (me included) just sit on social media and news blogs NOTHING will change. This will become the norm. WRITE YOUR REP!!! Flood them with the sickness they keep turning a blind eye to OR I have, for over 7 years, contacted my Senators BY PHONE on many, many issues. All I get is a form letter thanking me for contacting them. Only one time did one of them inform me that they would be at a local building for chatting with the public. We went and it was a dismal failure. When we aired our issues about govt overreach, taxes, IRS, Obama’s agenda, they acted like they did not know anything about it. That was over 4 years ago and since then, the voters here, VOTED HIM OUT OF OFFICE. AND, RIGHTLY SO. They all need to know that their days are numbered. AND, MEAN IT WHEN YOU SAY IT TO THEM, OR TO THEIR ASSISTANT, WHO IS ALWAYS ANSWERING THEIR PHONES. Sounds like a clear violation of the establishment clause to me. I’m sure FFRF will be there to lend this marine a hand…. No problem – have your daughter write a letter to Col. Allen West and include a copy of the assignment. I am sure he will provide a suitable response on what the “History” of Islam and Mohamad is including the millions slaughtered as the facts of the matter and be glad to help a brother soldier out. Then, ask the school when the students will be studying the Bible, you know, as the “history” of Christianity and Judaism. . In some cases, the “all or nothing” concept is applicable. For example, if schools are dead-set on teaching Islam as a part of world history, then, indeed, other major religions, like Christianity and Judaism, must also be represented. . On other occasions, however, the “all or nothing” rule is not expedient, as evidenced when teaching religion in relation to AMERICAN history. Doubtless, within that context, how can Christianity NOT be granted more time and coverage vis-a-vis other religions in light of the tremendous influence it has generated upon our nation? (George Washington chose a Bible for inauguration, for example.) . In the end, the “all or none” philosophy is sometimes correct. In other scenarios, intellectual honesty compels us to concede that certain topics justifiably deserve more attention than others. . Gee, I wonder how many “mandatory Christian assignments” are given in the Islamic world? PC will kill us all. You mention Christ in a Muslim school, you are going to the back post for a good whipping. Probably none, which is not a good reason for keeping students here in ignorance. The only way to settle this is to now mandate a course on Christianity……..and Jesus….
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:56:16 +0000

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