Fed the fish and me Rocky saves the day chapter one - TopicsExpress


Fed the fish and me Rocky saves the day chapter one Dedicated to Sara Rojic the daughter of to special friends. And the classes of Rigby high. All have tough me the value of childhood and the true meaning of growing up. CODY RAY SHERARD Sitting on a park bench in Sparks NV., wishing I had the imagination I once had as a child, Like kick the can, hide and seek, playing house or Evil Knevil. Match box and hot wheels. Playin with the little green army men and jumpin out of swings at recess into three foot high snow. As children we never thought about monkeys on our back, especially ones from a book we wrote on the other side of the nation. But somehow someway that monkey on my back for all these years actually served a purpose To show the kid in me how to grow up and the grown up in me how to be young again. Here’s a story for all grown up’s to be young again! And more importantly for our children. Who have more magic in their minds then we’ll ever know. It was a beautiful summer day with a slight breeze. The grass was green and inviting enough to want to just lay on it…. and nap. I’d had a hard couple of weeks and was feeling a little down, so I slumped down in the bench and began my blissful descend into darkness. With darkness all around and peace coming, I cracked open my eye’s for one last look at sunshine and the reality I would soon escape. And their he was as plain as day, peeking out from behind a tree, with that same smile I gave him in my last book, toothpick and all. Then in a glimpse he was gone. It was obvious I was tiered and needed some rest. So I settled down and went back to my wonderful plain of fiction. In my slumber I rolled over and took a deep breath only to be poked by what seemed to be a dull pointed object, in my mind it could only be one thing, THE MAN! As I cracked open one eye I heard several voices that were odd in tone, yet had a familiar and somehow beckoning tone. With a couple more poke’s of his faithful sidearm, the infamous “supper soaker”, I opened both eye’s and realized it was Rocky the ally cat……. And the entire crew! “Rocky”! I screamed, for one thing I’m sleeping and another….. “YOU DON’T EXIST“!! “Dude look, we need your help “. Rocky went on. “Lenny the lizard’s twin brother, Jerry the giraffe is in trouble, it’s bad man.. Bad!!” Come on bro you taught us love and forgiveness, and most importantly….“NEVER GIVE UP” !!! In my slightly of balance mind, I agreed even though I don’t remember Lenny’s twin brother, I took Rocky the ally cat’s paw and followed the entire crew back to the place I created a long time ago. Max the monkey and Fred the fish looked at me and winked, while Rossco the dog followed by his son Ross came up and licked my hand. Rossco with his sad brown eyes said, “come on Reno, it’s time to give back”. Then the whole crew grabbed me by the foot and drug me to a small ant hole, where Andrew the army ant stood at attention next to Gary the gecko. “Sir welcome aboard sir”. I looked at Gog and Magog the matching frogs and asked “how the heck do I fit in a ant hole?“….. Boing boing boing………… “I should of known“!….. I came out the other end and there it was…….!!! everything I wrote about and was real…!!.. Colorful…… and most importunately to my lonely tired mind……………painless! The whole crew stood in line to great me, and give me grape cool-aid and cotton candy. Then Lenny the lizard walked up with his head hung low, with a small tear on the verge of splashing to the ground, and asked in a sad humble voice, “will ya help me man, please”?. I could hardly hold back my own tear….. when I said, “yeah brother , I got ya”! The entire crew gathered round and began to tell me about Lenny’s twin brother Jerry the baby blue giraffe. I knew right away Rocky was about to become a mentor to us all. If rocky the ally cat didn’t have some advise no one would. He went though the pain of loss and discovery, from leather to love. And learned that no matter what we do family will be there with a hug, or if needed…………tough love. The most egsrusiating lessen ever. Though the one with most value is when the one you love tells you to leave……. your pain hurts …….them more than you This was a lesson Rocky learned when Andrew the army ant called him a fraiddy cat, instaed of “rocky the ally cat”. Nothin would stop Rocky from the sour milk, but the threat of loveless solitude. Which at one time was all rocky gave others. Now in his own way he gives his all. CHAPTER TWO Lenny the lizard came up and put a hand on my knee. “Where ya been man?” Then Max the monkey, Fred the fish, and of course, Rossco. Then max the monkey started in. “Look dude we need ya!” “Jerry the giraffe is hooked on already chewed bubble gum and sour milk. Me and the whole crew got most of it figured out…. But one thing………” Then Lenny the lizard stood up and plead! “Brother we need “HUBBA BUBBA. …yeah the most sought after gum in the world of imagination.” “Are you crazy?“! I said. Then Roscco came up to me and licked my hand. “Reno .. we gotta go back“!! “Back!!!………………to the people place!! “HELL NO ! no, man I like it here, there’s no pain……. or that same old black and white”. “STOMP STOMP STOMP” …. SLAP!!!!……. I looked at Andrew the army ant with complete amassment!! “Are you out of your mind!!!! You cant slap me Andrew, I created you”. Andrew stood their unafraid with his battered army helmet and broken limbs from past battles… “Soldier yer goin back, and yer gonna get that gum, And yer gonna imagine back jerry to where he was.. Before you did whatever it is you do in that PEOPLE PLACE”!!!. Andrew went on to explain how he moved the rubber tree plant of his entire platoon. He didn’t say much , only “NEVER GIVE UP”. Then suddenly as on queue Gog and Mcgog the matching frogs stopped bouncing and just stared at me with their big frog eye’s. I looked at Rossco and hung my head. “All right dude, ill go.” I slowly walked toward the ant hole. The entire crew wished me luck and yelled “GODS SPEED RENO, GODS SPEED”. “Wait Reno wait!!! I’m commin with ya“, Rossco yelled!! “NO!!! DAD …NO!!!!!!” Ross the puppy plead ……..“….no please……” I looked at my old faithful friend with heart ache. “It’s ok, stay here”. Rossco looked at me, turned to Ross the puppy and grabbed him buy the scruff. Walked over to a shaded tree and set him down with. With tears rolling down the mug of the puppy he was about to become a dog. The wise old dog of many miles and hard learned lessons began with stern look of love and complete confidence. “Son…… do you remember how you felt………………… when I was trapped and everyone thought I was gone forever”? With water pooled in the bottom of his eyes… Ross the puppy said in a soft voice, “eyeteeth…. ddddad“. Rossco went on… “Well our family needs me now, that’s what family is son. You’re the dog now, guard this family with your life, and they will you….I love you son….. You’ll do great pup… I mean…….DOG!” Rossco looked back and told all, with a strong voice… “WE’LL BE BACK TO HELP JERRY THE GIRAFFE, WITH ALL THE HUBBA BUBBA THERE IS”!!!! Then Rossco and I went on toward the ant hole. Gog and Mcgog followed… no boing boing boing.. Just a faint slap slap slap of a saddened frogs flipper. And off to the people place we went. All right I looked to gog and mcgog “go ahead bounce us to the people place:… Gog slowly rose a flipper to stuff us in the hole when a sudden scream came from the background. “STOP!!!!!………………...STOP”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clickity click, the sound of a playing card in the spoke of a big wheel…………It was Rocky the ally cat. Rocky all dressed in leather with his super soaker strapped to his hip got off his big wheel and with his usual tough little grin cocked his head spit out his toothpick and with the glare of incredible selflessness stated in a matter of fact way.. “Brother I’m goin …..ROSSCO, YER MY BEST FRIEND MAN, I GOT YOU IN A BIND……. CAUSE I WAS HOOKED ON SOUR MILK AND CHASIN RATS,……. YOU STILL LOVED ME MAN… YOU STILL FORGAVE……. YOU GAVE ME A FAMILY AND SHOW ME A HOME, IF ALL THAT IS TRUE THAN I HAVE TO GO MAN…….. I HAVE TO GIVE BACK……….DON’T I….ORIS ALL THAT TALK OF LOVE AND FAMILY JUST THAT……………………………..TALK”. Rossco stared at Rocky for a moment and laughed come on brother we got family to help. While Rocky got off his big wheel and handed his black helmet to Max the monkey the whole crew went silent. Then katty the kitty and Chris the cat walked up to Rocky, kissed him and draped a golden medallion around his furry little neck. On it the number 2, the amount of time rocky had been leaning to love others and not a drop of sour milk. “Chris the cat turned and the arrogance of a sisters pride said “Rocky were all proud of you”. as Rocky’s whisker’s started to quiver. Rossco with the wise smile of many miles grinned and said, “come tough guy I got ya brother”. Right before the matching frogs jumped on my head to squeeze me into the ant hole with my last thought before the people place I was sure, “MAN………… I’m CRAZY”!!!!! “BOING……………………………….............................. Boing……………..boing”
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:43:58 +0000

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