Federal Gas Tax Increase, For the first time in over 2 decades - TopicsExpress


Federal Gas Tax Increase, For the first time in over 2 decades Washington is discussing raising the federal gas tax. The Republicans are on board with the idea. Currently, 18.4 cents for each gallon of fuel is a federal tax. They say that the money will finance infrastructure and help upgrade the already neglected roads and bridges. Senator Inhof (Oklahoma), Orin Hatch (Utah) and John Thune (S.D.), all Republicans are encouraged with the pursuance of a higher fuel tax. Inhofe argues lawmakers dont have a choice but to consider raising the gas tax which he refers to it as a “user fee.” Another Republican, Larry LaHood came out in support of the gas tax increase too. People who use the highways ought to pay for them, Hatch added. Thats a small price to pay to have the best highway system in the world. And that may be where were going to have to go. We are already paying at the pump to use the highways. Funding goes into the coffers for every gallon of gas sold yet our roads are in the worst conditions ever. Raising the fuel tax is not the answer for the restructuring of our roads. What they need to start doing is spending the money already generated at the pump on our roads instead of using it (68 billion dollars) on pet projects like the new California Bullet Train. They are also banking on the American taxpayer not noticing the tax increase while the price of fuel is temporarily low. Another argument they made is that with the low-cost of fuel, a tax increase is necessary but that is another lie. It doesn’t matter if fuel prices dropped to 1.00 a gallon, the feds will still take their 18.4 cents per gallon and the lower the prices of fuel the more gas is sold raking in more money than when gas was nearly 5.00 a gallon. Every argument in favor of higher taxes is fueled by manufactured evidence. Raymond Newberry thehill/policy/energy-environment/228986-momentum-seen-in-push-for-gas-tax-hike
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:28:25 +0000

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