Federal Government sends NIGERIAN MILITARY Personnel to Russia and - TopicsExpress


Federal Government sends NIGERIAN MILITARY Personnel to Russia and China for training in counter terrorisms because of American hostility - National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki An adage that I came across a long time ago says, No one made the Lion King of the jungle. The Lion woke up from sleep one morning, roared and shook the jungle, waking up every animal from sleep and announce himself as the King, having realized that greatness is in him. The lion was not installed as King of predatory beast by any committee! He appropriated it by himself! Moving on to the committee of nations, no one installed the United State of America as the worlds number one Police and Super Power. The US of A like a Tiger, which does not have to proclaim its tigritude, pounced on it like a Lion and Tiger all rolled into one predatory beast! Where is this narative leading to, you may be wondering. Sorry I digressed but well tie the knot soon. During the course of the week, an ordoriferous news story involving the arrest and seizure of a whopping $9.3 million flown into South Africa by two Nigerians and an Israeli on board a private jet belonging to CAN President made the news headlines. If you were one of those who was expecting the Nigerian government to be in charge and take the lead in disseminating factual information concerning this disgraceful episode in our nations history, I am sure youll have been totally disappointed. The government was caught pants down with their patch-patch narative. First of all they said the transaction was legitimate and the money belongs to an intelliegence agency and it was meant for the procurement of arms and ammunition. Why is Nigeria buying arms from South Africa when the whole world knows that they do not have any comparative advantage in the manufacture of military hardwares? The United state, Isreal and perhaps Russia does, in this regard. For answer the NSA to President Goodluck Jonathan came up with a purported hostility and lack of cooperation of the US toward helping Nigeria to combat the Boko Haram insurgency ravaging the North Eastern part of Nigeria. Sambo Dasuki pontificated that the US has not been sincere in helping Nigeria combat this scourge. According to him, all the efforts by Nigeria to procure modern gadgets from America and her allies were rebuffed by Uncle Sam, who is only paying lip service to ending the Boko Haram menace. Dasuki went further to state that this was the main reason why the government had to look in the direction of South Africa to procure arms for the military. To further rub it in, he said that some Nigerian personnel from the Army, Airforce, Navy, Police and Department of State Service are already in Russia for training in countr terrorism. He concluded in an optimistic mood with ethusiasm that very soon, Boko Haram shall be defeated and peace will return to the troubled North East of Nigeria. Such a wonderful tales by moonlight coming from a highly placed government official is really disturbing at this auspicious time in our nations history for many reasons. First of all, Russia has assumed the status of a pariah nation sequel to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 which killed over 200 persons on board, in the Eastern region of Ukraine by Russia backed separatists. The US and its allies across EU and NATO slammed a regime of Economic sanctions on Russia sequel to this. Is the regime of Transformation headed by Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja unaware of this? By hobnobbing with Russia the message Abuja is sending to the west is that they dont give a damn. Well much as the Nigerian government have the liberty to be clueless, the US as the world Super Power which they are, have the prerogative to knock some dose of sense into their clueless skulls! Last Friday at the America Embassy in Abuja during a visa interview, I witnessed first hand as some top level government officials were denied visas with their family and entouraged. I was number 17 on a queue that has Special Advisers, Personal Assistants, top Ogas from the NNPC and what have you. One after the other, I kept on hearing; Sorry Sir, Sorry Ma, at this stage your visa application has been denied. This letter will explain why. You can reapply again in six months time. Next! I think the South African MONEY LAUNDERING misadventure is stupid enough and has put the government in a bad spot. My advise to the regime of locust headed by Jonathan is that they should not put their neck to the gallow by openly antagonizing the US in the name of defending and protecting the masquerade behind the disgraceful export of a whopping $9.3 million cripsy notes against all known international and legal protocols involving bilateral trades between two nations. For starters the Government in South Africa has denied any knowledge of the transaction!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:37:05 +0000

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