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(Feel free to copy and repost or send to your representative if you wish) An open letter to Congress: To whom it may concern; It has been a long time since we last spoke, it is “America” and her legal hard working citizens, legal immigrants, retired, disabled, veterans and active duty soldiers and sailors perhaps you remember us? You come to us and ask us to vote for you and keep you in office and every time you take office you take that public pledge of office, you know to “Preserve and Protect the U.S. Constitution from all enemies both domestic and foreign”, yeah that oath. Well pull up a chair we need to have a chat; comfy? Good, good, now we called you in to our office today to talk about your job performance. Yes seems that when we hired you that you made certain campaign pledges about your performance when you took office and well frankly after taking the time to review those and the functioning of the business, oh excuse me you call it government but we like to refer to it as the business of the people for it is from us allowing you to be there representing our best interest that government even exists, yeah we need to talk about your educational background too seems there are some issues there that were not on your resume but I digress. As we said the reason you are here in our office today is concerning your poor performance on the job. Now some of you we realize this is your first time and there may be periods of adjustment but seriously it has been long enough now and performance should be at higher levels if you were applying yourselves. The rest of you are seasoned employees and well sadly you know much better than to be doing the things you are. What are the specific concerns? Well we are very glad you want to make improvements and we have a small list of areas of concerns for you to review. They are as follows: -Lack of respect for your employer and the facilities. Seriously calling people names like “Astroturf”, “TEA baggers” is bad enough but lately you have been running around saying we are racist and you have no real evidence of that and that kind of language is inflammatory in a modern workplace environment and could result in lawsuits that would be costly and damaging so we advise you to stop that practice immediately and well we suggest that you voluntarily check into a sensitivity workshop to stop future incidents like this. -Factual mistakes and historical misinterpretations in your reports, speeches and floor actions. Examples of this are calling the founding fathers terrorist extremists, those that believe in the constitution, Judeo or Christian values, smaller government and lower taxes extremists and supporting their investigation by agencies of the Unite States government. This is both a fruitless and foolish waste of time and resources especially considering the current state of global terrorism today. The belief that certain rights parts of the constitution are malleable and that certain rights may be ignored at any time you decide they may be, that is certainly not the case any 5th grader knows that. Also that the three branches of government are somehow not co-equal and are supposed to be in a state of constant checks and balances again any 5th grader is aware of that and you need to start enforcing that part immediately. -The enacting of laws, rules and regulations not properly debated, read, understood or analyzed by you and your associates as to the consequences that would occur to the people, their fiscal situations and the resulting economic consequences for the nation and its workers. The Affordable Care Act or until recently known in the media as Obamacare is one that comes to mind, a perfect example of how not to do your job, we really need resolution on this at the middle of September. Another that comes to mind is the Amnesty bill passed by the senate and is before the house, you are not seriously entertaining passage of that bill are you? We need border security first along with dealing with the many issues of employment and legal immigrants in process before we can effectively deal with criminals. -The executive branch seems determined to rule by executive fiat when the constitution clearly outline the extent of his powers and what is to be done if he exceeds those, we respectfully request that you begin proceedings to make corrections to the many actions he has illegally taken at this point, -The scandals at Benghazi, The IRS, the NSA, EPA and DOJ in particular are quite disturbing and progress to the root causes and culprits has been quite slow. The board met while you were away on vacation and has determined that you have less than a year from this point of time to get to the bottom of these matters or well frankly severe measures will have to be taken they are quite serious about this and will not extend the time limit on this any further. Have we left anything out? No I don’t think so, now this was a formal reprimand to your record I am afraid, so this will be inserted into your employee file and a copy of our talk will be available from the HR department. There will be a review at the end of the year on the status of these matters and we hope to see some significant movement toward closure. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to renewing your contract of employment in 2014 based on the progress you have made on these issues. Thank you again and have a pleasant day. Sincerely; We the People of the United States of America.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:49:10 +0000

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