Feeling Robin....... I realized today that before I actually got - TopicsExpress


Feeling Robin....... I realized today that before I actually got the news of Robins Williams choice to return to non-physical that I was so sweetly tapped into him. Before I heard: I woke yesterday morning and while I was still in bed I was seeing Mrs. Doubtfire in my mind and laying there giggling for a very long time. Her with the vacuum in particular was just cracking me up and I was just lying there feeling so much love and appreciation for Robins uplifting contributions to society. Then when I was up and about I found myself staring at this image I posted a little while back of him. I stared at it for a long, long time just because I love how it makes me feel and I like to set my feeling dial deliberately. Then I cruised through my day and just moments before I received a text with the heart-activating news of his transformation, I was standing in front of a cashier staring at his name tag. I remember little else of that experience as I was in a total trance bubble. His name tag read: Will. I. Am. Again I felt so giddy as I am a Williams and was really letting the meaning of those words ripple through me Will I Am...... I Am Will. Left the store with this chanting in my mind and in the parking lot, I received the news via text. Im sharing all of this as an affirmation of how connected we all are and that I love the experiences life has delivered to me personally that have motivated me to open my heart and mind more and more so that the veils between the realms, especially those between physical and non-physical continue to dissolve. With everything I am I conjure and flow love to all of those close to him who are no doubt experiencing an intensity of emotion that is unbelievable in size and impact. In my own way I too know this journey. And with everything I am I commit to continuing cultivating my skill to remain connected with the expanded energy and essence of those whove returned so that I can remember more of all that I truly am. I can assure you that changing forms doesnt mean an end. I look forward to feeling more Robin love and I intend to actively pursue him as one of my closest Guardian Angels and giggle guides. I allow his inspiration to flow thru me as an ally to stay mindful of how positively we can effect those around us if that is our intention. Feeling love, love, love........
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:26:53 +0000

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