Feeling Stressed??? Here are a few suggestions from a - TopicsExpress


Feeling Stressed??? Here are a few suggestions from a recent ValueOptions newsletter: Be realistic. Few of us have ideal families, unlimited resources or perfect lives. Stop putting pressure on yourself to magically create a perfect scenario duringthe holidays. Communicate. Families often stick to rituals that are stress-producing or have lost their original pleasure. Talk to your loved ones about what has meaning for you at this time in your life. Take care of yourself. Don’t overextend yourself to the point that a pleasure turns into a burden. Set limits in terms of your commitments so that you have time for rest, exercise, good nutrition and quality time with loved ones. Be independent. It’s easy to get caught up with trying to compete with othersbecause of the intense commercial hype surrounding the holidays. Think for yourself. Make plans that feel right for you. Organize a group and go caroling at a local hospital or nursing home. Give gifts, eat, drink and socialize on your terms. Plan ahead. Take inventory of past failures and disappointments and plan differently this year. Ask for support and assistance from family members so that no one is overtaxed. Be creative. Make your own traditions. Focus more on spirituality and interpersonal closeness rather than on materialism and over-consumption. One gift you can give yourself is the gift of physical and emotional health. This is not such an easy thing to do during this time of year. But remember: By taking care of yourself and planning the holiday you really want, you can make this holiday season one that you and your loved ones will enjoy and cherish. You may even find that the true spirit of the season stays with you long after all the gifts are opened.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:24:41 +0000

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