Feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment, so I just wanted to drop a - TopicsExpress


Feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment, so I just wanted to drop a quick note of Thanks, as we have recently left behind the holiday named for the bestowing of said sentiment... It all started in 1982 when my brother Vincent bravely ventured out into the world to prepare the way for his, as of yet, unborn brothers. Always one to look out for his younger siblings, he made sure Mom and Pops were ready to handle child rearing. When they met his approval, four years later, I arrived. Poor Vince wasnt quite sure how to handle it. While hed made sure our parents were ready, he hadnt focused enough on his preparedness. Nevertheless, he held me diligently, and only knocked me off of a slide when I really deserved it. Probably. By the time I was two, the cutest of us made his way into our lives. Timothy was a screamer from day one, but once he got it all out of his system, he entertained us all with his infectious adorableness and antics. As life unfolded, Vince consistently antagonized us to prepare us for the rigors of the world, prompting us to bicker and fight, as brothers do, resulting in a few broken doors, hurt feelings, and regret. After Pops died in 2002 and we began to grow out of our adolescence, we began closing the doors on our petty squabbling and started listening to each others hearts and thoughts. Without boring everyone who reads this (not to mention keeping ahead of my own ADHD), I want to say that these two men are two of the best Ive ever known. Eventually, they each added two sisters to my life who I cant even begin to impress upon you the sheer awesomeness of who they are. Stephanie has brought forth two new Longobardo brothers. (Both of which have a firm grasp on my heart and I have no intention of ever letting them loosen their grips.) But more than that, she is a sweet and fun spirit that always has time to speak encouragement to me. Sierra constantly humbles me with her openness and talent for capturing moments on film. (The photos you see with this post were snagged from her blog) I am so extremely thankful for my siblings. Thats all. Carry on.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:25:25 +0000

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