Feeling a little backwards, mixed up, confused, or - TopicsExpress


Feeling a little backwards, mixed up, confused, or irritable? . After the Lunar Eclipse I heard that the planets are in Mercury Retrograde. My first thought was... what is that? Here is what it is. . What happens when Mercury goes retrograde? Oct 4 thru Oct 25 . The GOOD NEWS is that Mercury retrograde provides us with lots of beautiful opportunities if we can just tilt our head and squint. . Mercury retrograde wants us to move back spiritually. It is providing us with a chance to re-examine various areas of our life which may need a little more work, so that we can move forward to a bright new dawn. Now, more than ever, the time is right to look at things with clear eyes. Delicious, fresh perspectives are revealed. We often have major breakthroughs — intellectual, emotional or spiritual — during this time. . It’s also a terrific period in which to tie up loose ends. So many of us have unfinished projects… Maybe that door just needs another lick of paint, or you’ll decide to put away your ex-boyfriend’s love letters once and for all. Having said that, this is also a time where it’s very common for old lovers, friends and acquaintances to get in touch! If you hear from someone from your past, get together with them and see what it brings about! . One of the best ways to cope with it — as with anything, really — is to just “GO WITH THE FLOW”. When you fight Mercury retrograde, that’s when life gets really ugly. Just take some time, go slowly, be careful, don’t freak yourself out by expecting to be uber-productive-perfect right now. Be good to yourself and the people around you, now more than ever! . Whats really happening? How are we really feeling? . All sorts of things! It’s like everyone you know has suddenly gone mad! You might find yourself getting into bizarre arguments about nothing at all, being unable to finish sentences or barely even able to form a coherent thought. Your computer and other electronic equipment is more likely to go on the fritz. You could experience travel delays, too. Double-check your flights and take a book with you to keep you occupied while you wait for the train! We don’t tend to get all the information we need at this time, so it can be hard to make big decisions and it’s not always the best time to sign a contract, either. . Expect to hear super-loud complaining from your friends who are Gemini or Virgo, since both are ruled by Mercury! Mercury also rules a lot of industries like publishing, writing, editing, advertising, sales, public relations and anything to do with transport, like airlines, the post office and cabs! This means it can be particularly rough for Gemini train conductors and Virgo magazine editors, so be kind to any you know! . REMEMBER . Relax and take care of yourself. Rejuvenate your living space! Be sure not to take things too personally. Take things with a grain of salt. Get together with old friends, reminisce and laugh! Don’t purchase any big ticket items.. you might not see that flaw. Read the small print on any contracts. Ask lots of questions. Finish things you started a while ago. (at Home, Work, or Play) Back up your data! (of all kinds) . Use the things you’ve discovered in the past to create a dazzling new vision!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:03:12 +0000

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