Feeling deeply humbled in this moment, reflecting on the past few - TopicsExpress


Feeling deeply humbled in this moment, reflecting on the past few weeks. As I’m drip drying after a long wash cycle I’m realizing that I know No-thing. I’m in awe of this great mystery unfolding. Just when I think I’ve got control and grasped onto something…an idea, a way of being, or a solution… yep, that rug is ripped out time and time again. What a show this whole thing is. The only thing to be sure of, sounds pretty obvious… that everything arises and passes. There can be no good or bad, right or wrong… and that, as I believe the legendary Jack Sparrow quoted ‘the problems are not the problem – its your attitude towards the problem that’s the problem’. The consumer paradigm that is currently strangling our culture, fosters a mentality of something like ‘if its broken, not shiny or perfect anymore, discard it and get a new one’. Its sad to see that many people seem to have this attitude toward relationships. I’ve noticed this because I’ve seen it in myself! There is also an undeniable focus on superficial beauty and the external with a desire to reject what society labels as ‘ugly’ and chase after apparent ‘beauty’. Yes, it is a culture of hungry ghosts, endlessly chasing after things and experiences to attain an unattainable happiness… and to essentially AVOID pain. I have spent much of my life running away.. or seeking. Seeking answers, meaning, pleasure, excitement and so on. My evacuation/eject button is worn, and my Being is exhausted. Exhausted from running, from holding it together, pretending that I’m unaffected and ‘cool’. Although the view from the parachute is wonderful, isnt this game all about actually being down here, amongst it, participating in this human experience? I have judged anger as negative and placed too much value on joy and ‘fun’. Truth is, its all Prana…energy just wanting to keep moving. Storms are an integral part of nature, as is the wind, rain, sunshine, fire, earth shifts. The clarity and freshness that appears after a storm has passed is so much more pronounced and appreciated. Without the dark of the night, how can we fully know the light of the day… SO, and this is the simple crux of this post… without pain, how can we know Bliss. Its ALL beauty. Its all CREATION. Life effortlessly expressing itself in myriad forms. In terms of relationship… why settle for anything less than depth? If we want depth, connection, meaning and TRUE intimacy with OURSELF… we gotta get naked and bear it all. Be witnessed and witness. A long time ago, I made a commitment to growth and awakening… and everyday I’m presented with the question ‘So you think you’re such a loving soul?… well can you love THIS?’ Until I relinquish my resistance, how can it be possible for my heart to expand into new depths? Something extraordinary happens when something is witnessed and seen simply for what it is with the awareness of ANNICA (impermanence in the Buddhist philosophy… this is where miracles happen. Love truly does heal and transmute anything and like any exquisite flower or plant, it requires gentle nurturing, attention and patience in all its stages. It is under the vast depths on the seabed where the rarest of treasures lie. I’m realizing that having an open heart isn’t merely about portraying the new age notion of ‘Love & Light’. Its about unconditional acceptance and allowing it ALL to FLOW. This is a Love revolution people! And YOU are being called to play your part fully. More Real Raw Ramblings to come around this… and I’m so interested in your feelings, responses and experiences my friends :-)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 04:39:35 +0000

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