Feeling frustration with town board, challenger James Engels aims - TopicsExpress


Feeling frustration with town board, challenger James Engels aims to defeat Jerry Moore in Parishville supervisor race By VICTOR BARBOSA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013 ARTICLE OPTIONS AA PARISHVILLE - Voters in the town of Parishville will be electing a town supervisor when they head to the polls in a little less than two weeks. Incumbent Town Supervisor Jerry G. Moore, a Republican, is being challenged in his bid for re-election by third- party candidate James P. Engels. Mr. Moore is nearing the end of his second term and has five years of experience as code enforcement officer (CEO) for the town as well. Before coming to Parishville, he worked as the CEO in Pierrepont for three years. Mr. Moore has said he initially considered not seeking re-election, but he decided in July that there is unfinished business for him to attend to before leaving office. “The bicentennial is next year. There’s so much we want to do for that. Getting rid of the old town barn out there with the least amount of asbestos abatement, which is the most expensive part of it. We’ll get rid of that, knock it down and bury it. With it’s a sizeable amount of money,” he said. Mr. Moore credits his fellow town board members for his desire to return to his post. “This (will be) my third term, and I think everybody knows me by now. The board and I work well together,” he said. “I think I am going to win the election. I think the board and I have done well in the last eight years, and I hope we have another four years together. “This board, look what we’ve accomplished in eight years. A new town barn, (town hall) renovation, which we didn’t spend, we didn’t borrow a nickel. We saved this money up. If we had some money to roll over from sales tax, we put it right in the town hall fund, and we had the money to fix this building, to do it. So that took a lot of planning, a lot of hard work to get that money put away but we did it.” Mr. Engels meanwhile runs Jed’s Auto Repair and Car Sales and said he has been very active campaigning. “I’ve been going out and talking to people. It’s going real good. I’ve been waiting for the last two weeks to make a heavy campaign. I am going to make a campaign on TV, in the newspaper and go on to show people the bottom line,” Mr. Engels said. “I am offering the people of the town 34 years of experience working with the public.” The town supervisor and Mr. Engels are no strangers. The challenger said that he has been frustrated with past action from the board, one that affected him in particular. “Why I am running is because I can’t make any progress with the town and think it’s time for a change. I have an issue with the town board over my junk yard. For 35 years I had a junk yard permit, and they took it away,” Mr. Engels said. “I am expecting to win because once I inform the public of the things going on they will realize (what’s going on.) I am all about the small businesses.” Mr. Engels filed suit in June against Parishville Town Justice Frank H. Dunning among others. He was seeking $50,000 in damages for what he claimed was mental anguish caused by having to appear in court more than 20 times over an approximate period of three years. The court appearances were in response to charges in 2007 that he stored more than 1,000 waste tires in his yard in violation of Department of Environmental Conservation regulations. In July, U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew T. Baxter filed an order and recommendation in U.S. District Court, Syracuse, for the actions brought by Mr. Engels to be dismissed against all defendants. A senior federal court judge, however, rejected portions of the recommendations in late August. Voting for the Parishville town supervisor position will take place on Nov. 5.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:54:38 +0000

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