Feeling kinda down tonight, remembering my dad and how lucky I was - TopicsExpress


Feeling kinda down tonight, remembering my dad and how lucky I was to have my dad in my life. He helped to make me to person I am today, love me or hate me. He along with my mom, taught me a lot of life lessons, some lessons I have learned, some I am still learning and others that i have learned but am still trying to correct in myself. I am a work in progress and I have my mom to thank for sticking through the rough times ,that every married couple has, so that I and my sibs could be raised with two loving parents,and know how important it is to have a dad in your life. This brings me to the part that has me down. I dont understand the hatred that would cause a woman to keep her children from a father that loves them. Yes there are dead beat dads and kids that need to be protected from their dads, the same can also be said for mothers. Many marriages dont work, but I dont understand the mentality that would use children as a weapon for instant gratification and not think about the kind of life you would like your children to have and how your actions are going to affect them now as well as during their most impressionable years. Why would you not want the best for your children and do whatever you have to, to ensure they grow up to be healthy, happy, respectful and productive parts of society. I also dont understand the mentality that will enable a person to attack other children for the sake of hurting another person. It makes me very sad that in Pennsylvania all the laws are for the mother, not to protect the children and certainly not for fathers rights. Children services and the state police are also very good at passing the buck, so that neither is accountable for helping a potentially dangerous situation. What do you do when you have exhausted all pleas for help, have been turned away and told they cant do anything, meanwhile situations keep escalating and fear of harm to children keeps growing. Even as a mandated reporter a situation was deferred to the state police who in return deferred back to children and youth and nobody can help.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:39:25 +0000

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