Feeling passionate...As we awake on this beautiful Saturday - TopicsExpress


Feeling passionate...As we awake on this beautiful Saturday morning, the radio is playing “Era Mi Vida El” by Isabel Pantoja. She (born August 4, 1956) is a popular contemporary Spanish singer with a very distinctive “gitana” (gypsy) singing style. She is of Romani (Gitana) origin, born in the majestic Triana district of Seville, Spain. She has released more than a dozen albums throughout a career spanning many decades, and is known for her distinctive Andalusian style. Her husband, the legendary bullfighter Francisco Rivera Pérez Paquirri, died in the bullring on September 26, 1984, at the horns of the now infamous bull Avispado in Pozoblanco, Córdoba. Ms. Pantoja was home waiting for her husband to return after his Sunday afternoon in the bullring. She feared for his life and would never attend his performances. She was also against bullfighting, had lobbied the Spanish government against it; but it was the passion of the man she loved. She was sitting by her second floor bedroom window, where she would sometimes sit; get up and pace, anxiously awaiting her “Paquirri’s” return. Suddenly, she heard an uproar coming from down the street. As she looked out her window, she saw hundreds of people walking towards her home, frantically and agitatedly pointing up at her window. Apparently, most of the neighborhood was aware that is where Ms. Pantoja would wait for her husband. Her husband would not come home that afternoon; he was killed in the bullring. Isabel Pantoja was at the time considered to be the eventual heir/diva to the crown worn by Rocío Dúrcal and previously worn by “La Señora”, Rocío Jurado. The loss of her husband curtailed and literally stopped her career in its tracks. She became heartbroken, depressed, despondent and disheartened; refusing to record or perform. Her friend, the eminent and famous Spanish singer/composer (famoso compositor español), José Luis Perales, who at the time had several hits and written many hits for other singers; most notably Rafael, convinced her to return to the studio and record songs specifically written for her about the tragic death of her husband and her recovery from her loss. The song, “Era Mi Vida El (He Was My Life)” was the biggest hit of the album, “Marinero De Luces”; a huge success; reigniting her triumphant career. It tells the story of the afternoon when Isabel Pantoja learned of her husband’s death…The lyrics of the song are heartbreaking…The video I am posting here is her first performance after her husband’s untimely and tragic death. Today, there is a statue of him in front of the bullring…Isabel Pantoja followed this album with one composed by Juan Gabriel, Desde Andalucía, a huge international seller; containing the hit singles, Así Fue and Cuántos Días Más. “Era Mi Vida El (He Was My Life)” Let no one think of me, Im different today, The one who filled my life, No longer lives here, The voice that sang in my ear, Has withered, And the sun in his eyes is gone, Let no one think of me, Nothing will change, Starting over is impossible, My voice was turned off that evening, And I have nothing left to say, Just to remember, That at one day I was like a volcano in his arms, That filled me with love, And put in my hands, a thousand caresses, But it is all over, Its all over, And there are a thousand wounds in my soul, He was my life, And my spring, And my mornings, My sky was always blue, My heart, my joy and my word, And one day he left, And it was over, And he left me waiting at the window, Don’t think about me, Im different today, The one who shared my dreams, Does not live here, He grew wings on his soul, And flew away, And never has returned here, No one say the word love, To be happy again is impossible, So many things died that afternoon, I have nothing left for to live ... “Era Mi Vida El (He Was My Life)” Que nadie piense en mí, Soy diferente hoy, Aquel que me llenó la vida, Ya no vive aquí, La voz que me cantó al oído, Ya se marchitó, Y el sol de su mirada ya se fue, Que nadie piense en mí, Que nada cambiará, Volver a comenzar es imposible, Se me apagó la voz aquella tarde, Y no me queda nada que decir, Tan sólo recordar, Que un día fui volcán entre sus brazos, Que me llenó de amor, Y puso mil caricias en mis manos, Pero todo acabó, Ya todo terminó, Y quedan mil heridas en el alma, Era mi vida él, Mi primavera él, Y mi mañana, Mi cielo siempre azul, Mi corazón, mi gozo y mi palabra, Y un día se marchó, Y todo terminó, Y me dejó esperando en la ventana, Que nadie piense en mí, Soy diferente hoy, Aquel que compartió mis sueños, Ya no vive aquí, Crecieron alas en su alma, Y se echó a volar, Y nunca más ha vuelto por aquí, Que nadie me repita la palabra amor, Volver a ser feliz es imposible, Murieron tantas cosas esa tarde, Que no me queda nada por vivir…
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:18:49 +0000

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