Feeling reflective...Six weeks ago tonight I was speeding down - TopicsExpress


Feeling reflective...Six weeks ago tonight I was speeding down interstate 80 after getting a call that Rylie had been in an auto accident and all the girls were heading to the hospital. I didnt know what I would find, I didnt even know what city I was going to. It seems like forever ago. When we were 8 days in after the accident Cheri had to return home for the start of school. She called me that night and asked if Rylies condition at the time was permanent. We had just gotten to Madonna and Rylie was awake more but moved very slowly and did not always respond to commands. I tried to sound very convincing and said No, not at all. Were just getting started with the recovery process. Hoping and praying I was right. Well we are 5 weeks later now and you can read many of the little steps she has taken since then on this site. She got her stomach tube removed Saturday. She celebrated being totally tubeless. She was so excited! She is getting to be quite a pro getting in and out of the car from her wheel chair. She gets a little annoyed when I try to be too helpful but I cant help myself. Of course she never complains. Thats one of the many things she has taught me through all of this. When life gives you every reason to complain it doesnt mean you have to. Im praying I can practice that as much as she has. She continues all of her therapies and takes over 220 steps with her walker now. They took X-rays of her hand that has been bothering her and sent them to the ortho surgeon. He didnt want to do anything with it. Her occupational therapist said it wouldnt take much for whatever is poking up on the back of her hand to poke through the skin. So they wont work her right hand much any more. She does have a followup visit with the surgeon next Tuesday the 22nd. He will update us on if she can be weight bearing on her right leg as well. We are making preparations to have her back home. A week form tomorrow! She will have ongoing therapies here locally. Im not sure yet when she will start school. I know Madonna has talked to the high school to get services in place that she will need. She continues to make baby steps with memory and length of concentration and has a long way to go physically as well but we are expecting an eventual full recovery. She cant wait to get back home to see her friends and find some normalcy. We are so grateful for everyones support, our family, friends, church, school, old classmates, co-workers and people we dont even know have blessed us through these weeks and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for keeping up with Rylie.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:21:58 +0000

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