Feeling sad.... have sunk so much time into helping roswell dogs. - TopicsExpress


Feeling sad.... have sunk so much time into helping roswell dogs. It has been wonderful we were able to get their kill rate down to only a few dogs versee masses. Well roswell mayor has made it impossible for rescues to help there, instead of addressing the true issues there. That people treat their dogs as things to be thrown away and no spay and neuter clinics or help for low income folks. They are choosing to heft heavy burdens and paperwork upon rescues asking them to jump through impossible hoops and also sign away pieces of their constitutional rights and those of their fosters. This obviously can not happen. Will post more about it tomorrow after all dogs r in Colorado safely, but here are some pics of one dog headed out to abq she is going oit of state Saturday, and then some dogs headed back to roswell who will leave tomorrow. I have loved all of our fosters and transporters there. They r beautiful wonderful folks. We r not giving up on saving lives we r moving to a couple areas that r rescue friendly and it will be much less work and better for rescues as they do sone vax on intake. I would encourage everyone to contact the new mexico attorney General and ask him ro look into this situatio n. There have been a lot of dogs that have died since the mayors edict. Thank u wonderful transporters and fosters! ♥♥♥ U ALL!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 02:27:00 +0000

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