Feeling soooooo good today, its raining and Ive got a smile on my - TopicsExpress


Feeling soooooo good today, its raining and Ive got a smile on my face! I owe so much to my little magic beans and the Live Life Healthier programme in general. Suffering from anxiety for the past 4 years had left me panicking about the silliest of things, to the point where sometimes I would have to ring my mum and stay on the phone to her whilst she gave words of wisdom to calm me down just so I could leave the house. People who know me will think it near impossible that someone with my loud personality could be affected by anxiety but it really can affect anyone! The Live Life Healthier programme and the addition of Juice Plus+ into my diet has changed my life, as I started to see results such as clearer skin, a huge boom in my energy levels, being happy with what I was seeing in the mirror and feeling positive in general I noticed my confidence was growing slowly but surely and every day tasks were becoming easier and less of a problem for me, I began wondering how and why Id managed to overcome these issues that had plagued my life for such a long time... The only answer I have is my change in lifestyle and the huge amount of support I have received. Being a part of this programme you get given the tools you need to reach your goals but the most unique part of it is the friendships you make, the support you recieve and the motivation you get from witnessing other peoples journeys on the facebook support page. I have always felt like there was someone to talk to even when it wasnt about eating/exercise and everyone is rooting for each other to do well. TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK. This is why I began working for this programme, to help others achieve what they have wanted to for so long but either havent been educated on how to do so or feel they dont have the willpower because with our programme YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! I hardly suffer with my anxiety at all anymore, there is only one aspect of my life that is affected by it and that is driving on motorways (strange I know, especially when Id driven quite happily on motorways for years before) but Im confident that in time I will regain full control and manage to drive on the motorway quite freely ha...Until that day comes I will keep loving life and remembering just how far Ive come, to have people tell me how fantastic I look and theyre shocked Ive had a baby is a PHENOMENAL feeling, I couldnt be prouder to be part of something where people are willing to share their stories and give help and advice so willingly...so thank-you for getting me involved Chelseé Moore-Thompson I owe more to you than you could ever know.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:58:30 +0000

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