Feeling very Christmassy around here with the cold chill in the - TopicsExpress


Feeling very Christmassy around here with the cold chill in the air, a cloudy overcast morning, decorations on the tree and soft Christmas music in the background playing. As I am sipping on my hot coffee and thinking about my rich, blessed life I am so aware of others that are not. Heard Amy Grants My Grown-up Christmas List and I can definitely relate to the words. That I would wish for everyone to have a friend so they wont be lonely. In a world where we have lightning speed instant connection with others, I recently read that more people are suffering from isolation and loneliness and depression than ten years ago. Seems unlikely, but somehow true. The quickest way to get close to the heart of God is to help hurting people. There is never a time we are more like Christ than when we are loving and kind and forgiving. Purpose in your heart today, act with intent to say something good, life infused and encouraging. Do something kind; not expecting anything in return not even a thank-you. Do it anyway! Lift someone up that has fallen and help them get back on the right track. Its not a question of Do they deserve help or They got what they deserve, theyve made bad choices. Thankfully, it is by the grace of God and the love of someone reaching out and touching us that we did not get what we deserved! It is a question of What would Jesus do right now in the same situation? Would He pass judgment, pointing an accusing finger and damning them to hell for falling and making a mess of their life? Would He turn and look away to keep from making eye contact? Would He remain separate, staying away from where the hurting are? No, He would pick them up, look them in the eye, wrap His arms about them and tell them He loved them. He would be their miracle, He would be the answer to their prayer, He would be their friend. Oh my precious friends, we have that same Jesus residing in us, so we can be someones answer, someones miracle, someones encouragement today. When we are; God smiles on us, saying, This is my child in whom I am well pleased! God will make a way for you, He will make sure you have what you have need of. He will take care of you and bring multiplied blessings and favor into your life. This is a promise you can count on. Have a beautiful day and bless others in your life. Even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact on another!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:58:38 +0000

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