Feeling very happy :) Had a great weekend in national park La - TopicsExpress


Feeling very happy :) Had a great weekend in national park La Campana with my fellow classmates and professors (all of which are awesome)! I really do love Chile. It is beautiful!! The geography and nature here is stunning! and the city/port where I live is so very alive it buzzes with the bustle of people moving to and fro. At night Valpo twinkles in the distance across the water and I love the sight of it very much. Although I lack the time needed to experience all that Vina/Valpo has to offer, I think it is safe to say I have fallen in love with it :) This little country squished on the side of South America holds so much! And is made up so many wonderful people! These people, with diverse opinions and personalities, are really what makes Chile such a gem. I feel so grateful for how welcomed I have been in this wonderful place. Each day I enjoy immensely: the interactions I am have, the observations I make, and the mental processing that goes on in my brain. It is a growing experience. That being said, all of us extranjeros are so shocked our time here is almost coming to an end! I will be in Valpo for only 2 more weeks! After that I head to Peru for a ~12 day journey. I am really excited to check out the Peruvian culture as well! Then, my friend Julia and I (and Josie?) will be busing back down through Chile with some stops along the way to better experience the north of Chile (the deserts). I have a lot of work ahead of me (final papers and final tests) but I plan to aprovechar (take advantage) of my remaining time in Chile to the fullest! Gracias Chile, tu eres muy amable.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 21:10:21 +0000

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