Feinstein Has Done It Twice ! In the extreme partisan - TopicsExpress


Feinstein Has Done It Twice ! In the extreme partisan environment perpetuated by the Obama Administration, a democrat crossing party lines is highly unusual and when that democrat is one of the staunchest party figureheads you know things can’t be good for the president. Senior party member Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) has for the second time in recent history contradicted the actions of President Obama, stepping over the party line to do so. Feinstein, the Chairperson for the Senate Intelligence Committee, shocked the republican opposition as well as many within the Obama Administration when her committee’s final report on the Intelligence Community’s (IC) role in the Benghazi tragedy had some harsh words to share about the IC. In short, the final report stated that the attacks were PREVENTABE! Unlike the rest of the extreme partisan division on all things Benghazi, the Senate Intelligence Committee report was generated by a bi-partisan oversight investigation lead by one of the well-respected members inside the democratic party. This of course did not put the Obama Administration, and the president’s foreign policy in particular, in good light as well as it made it impossible for the typical group of liberals democrats to run to the defense of the president by laying out the standard line of opposition rhetoric as this time the criticism was coming from within their own party from a respected member! And this week we find Senator Feinstein speaking out against the actions of the president again. As bi-partisan outrage grows from the recent Gitmo prisoner swap for an American soldier held by the Taliban, Senator Feinstein has expressed her displeasure with the president’s decision to bypass congress in making this decision and has essentially accused the president of breaking the law. In her words, “the law should have been followed” and she went on to say, “I very much regret that that was not the case”. Unlike the half a dozen or so democrats trying to protect their senate seat in the coming mid-term elections and whom have expressed their false outrage against the president for political gain, Senator Feinstein speaking out carries a great deal more significance and could start a ripple effect through the party that could be very damaging to the president. By now President Obama has accepted the fact that there is a good chance democrats will lose the Senate but ironically enough he seems to be just about the only democrat NOT playing politics in an attempt to protecting the party brand. Instead, he forges on with one party damaging move after another as he continues with the building of his legacy as the first black president of the United States. It seems politically, the only thing that gains the president’s attention anymore are the deep pockets of those donors that support his agenda. As for his party members, they seem to all have been forgotten about assuming there were ever giving any consideration in the first place. Democratic lawmakers are starting to share a feeling of abandonment from the president and he should be concerned. Unlike the Clintons who have over the years built an impenetrable wall around themselves, all of President Obama’s protection has come from the very people he is turning his back on. He may be over estimating the loyalty of his democratic counterparts and this could come back to bit him in the back side and maybe sooner than many think. Without a doubt there is a long long list of Abuses of Authority by the president and there have been as many calls to action for the republican held House to draw up articles of impeachment against the president for these abuses. However, with the democrat controlled and extremely partisan divided senate, it would simply be a waste of time to do so. But the tides look to be changing and with every damaging step the president takes he draws a little more outrage from those that have been holding up his Teflon curtain. Currently it would take the thumbs up vote of 22 Democratic Senators to impeach the president, an impossible number of democrats to get to cross party lines at the moment. However, with a senior member such as Senator Feinstein (hypothetically) leading the charge on the democratic side, stranger things could happen. If in fact democrats do lose the senate in November, then the odds of impeachment shift significantly. There will then be near riot level outrage coming from senate democrats and that outrage will be targeted at the president who’s failed policies and poor leadership will be to blame for the loss and rightly so. And let’s not forget, if republicans hold both the house and the senate, all those bills that Harry Reid has been refusing to allow a floor vote on will be fast tracked and will soon be on the president’s desk where he will then make quick work of vetoing each and every one of them in another grand example of his Abuse of Power. Instead of writing off the remaining two years of his presidency and basically doing whatever suites his mood, as it seems he is now doing, the president might want to reconsider his actions and bow more to the will and well-being of his party or he might find himself following in the footsteps of Richard M. Nixon. How the legacy of President Obama will be portrayed has already been determined and there is nothing the president can do in his remaining time in office to change how the history books will read other than make it worse.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:02:38 +0000

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