Fela Rotimi LABOURS LITMUS TEST. Whilst the fiscal debacle - TopicsExpress


Fela Rotimi LABOURS LITMUS TEST. Whilst the fiscal debacle raged in Ogun State; APC diehards & SIA administration dismissed SK & his observations as nothing but hot air & fiction. SK threw the gauntlet & challenged for a publicly televised debate; but rather than sober-up, SIA administration threw the Kitchen sink and plastered SK with unprintable names & unwarranted innuendos. SK then detailed a sequence of events soon to follow that would bear his observations witness. But low & behold, like a prophet who correctly foretold the future, events have indeed started to unfold as predicted. A gathering cloud of political events have started to line-up & the end-game has been triggered. SIA administration is certainly collapsing at the seams; what with a sizable number of commissioners being prevailed upon to rescind letters of resignations, salaries in the civil service cannot be guaranteed as and when due, lecturers in state-owned institutions are up-in-arms at the desolate state of our education, doctors in state hospitals are not proud about the state of neglect , state pension demands are collecting dust on shelves of neglect, workers emoluments had been abandoned & contractors have gone AWOL from sites. SIA meanwhile is desperate to get his hands on yet another loan but develops cold-feet when Ogun House of Assembly demand to be furnished with a break down of the total state debt profile. Believe it or not, an Executive Governor who happens to be an allegedly accomplished Accountant; presented as the best ACN ( now APC ) had on offer in 2011 has run-aground the economy of a whole Ogun State. APC took us for a ride at the last elections by not transparently vetting SIA operationally, temperamentally, qualitatively, quantitatively & tangentially. Even if APC now shops-around for another trial-Governor to complete the naive experiments started by SIA, it would be an effort in futility. Ogun is certainly not a docile state to still continue to swallow an APC empty vision that would make us a laughing-stock in Nigeria. APC thus have to be taken-out of the equation for our post 2015 future. When SK was busy sensitizing the electorate & crunching figures to determine how far SIA got his sums wrong, where - may we ask; were other Labour Gubernatorial candidates ? On holiday, maybe ? Not willing to court controversy ? Not very fiscally adept ? Lead-on question then is - How do make omelette without breaking eggs ? If they were unwilling to initiate the fiscal debate, how then do they take difficult decisions as Governor ? On this issue, there is no between or betwixt & no middle ground. You are either up for it or not; you either cut-it or not up-to-scratch. SKs fiscal arguments were not a flash of brilliance. Indeed brilliance had been a recurring decimal in his career-path up-to-date. Ever since he was the best graduating student in Sociology at the old Ogun State University ( now Olabisi Onabanjo University ) Ago Iwoye; SK has become better & matured his midas touch with passage of time. So, Ogun is a different ball game now & Labour needs to realize that our state is primed for change. We certainly need to avoid the temptation to surrender competence on the altar of a narrative that has run its course. SK has the credibility to deliver & drive change for he has to re-connect the veins & arteries that SIA has mis-managed and muddled-up. The task requires brains, brawn, focus, finesse and principally experience - which SK has in quantum. Truth is, this election is Labours to loose. Would they squander the opportunity ? Would they fluff their lines ? Would they ignore bold, blaring & screaming handwriting on the wall captioned SK is OK. This is the Litmus test for Labour. The choice to project for this election, at this defining period of our history has to be a brilliant SK who has that extra cutting edge, that extra thrust, extra momentum, extra wind in his sail, extra electoral value, extra birds-eye-view of the total picture, extra refined but simple ideas, extra courage to make the hard decisions in office, extra confidence to turn-around this fiscal jam, extra commitment to pull our economy back from the brink, extra vision to set Ogun on a definite path of recovery and extra initiative to re-define our next level of prosperity. SK is coming as a priority ! SK is on a rekindled rescue mission !! SK is OK !!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:20:38 +0000

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