Felicity, as perceived by me, is when our thoughts reach an - TopicsExpress


Felicity, as perceived by me, is when our thoughts reach an amicable agreement with our brain.I often find myself comparing my thoughts as food and my taste buds as brain,while some are delicious and some abominable. I am surprised and amused of finding a companion (in this article) sharing the exact thought (word to word except the amusement that rescued you from restlessness) that i had a few years ago while traveling from Delhi to Bangalore.An introspective coincidence (but yours is far well organized and elegantly written). It was the first time i was boarding a flight, after more than hundred lies about how urgently i had to be in Bangalore, to my parents. Naturally excited about flying and being alone sourcing decor of quite gay.The window seat added the seasoning.It took some time to bring the adrenaline rush to normal but once it did the clouds became the diary where characters formed and perished, the flow unmatched, the pace flawless. Engrossed in my imagination i lost track of my surrounding and behavior, dwelling in with my story, my facial expression altered from ear to ear smile to creases on the brow and all while looking into clouds.(oh god!!) A remote voice interrupted my chain by asking me to wear safety belts, it is then that i realized my co passenger staring and laughing ridiculously on my behavior.She. YES SHE!!Going for an engineering entrance exam as i was, brought my creepy back to self.SHIT!!!! YOU ARE CREEPILY FUNNY Oh no.In my defense i said i was nostalgic. hahahahahaha!! no u were not!!u were imagini-hahahahaha. It occurred to me there is a very fine line between imagination and refuge. We talked about each other and purpose of visit and then my imagination.She gave me her number and then we were on our ways. NO!! I Was too ashamed too call! But the incident reminded me of a English chapter(CBSE) of my school years. The Third level by jack finney.An imaginary floor on a station by the character to take refuge from reality.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:20:12 +0000

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