Fellas, if youve been living with a woman for over a year now - TopicsExpress


Fellas, if youve been living with a woman for over a year now without a marriage commitment, and still debating whether or not to marry her: its time to do the right thing. Either marry the woman, or let her go so another man can have a shot at her. The most selfish thing a guy can do is to use up a womans time by giving her false hope, when he had NO intention on marrying her in the first place. Women are built differently than men. I know: a real shocker, right. But its true. The older a woman gets, the more difficult it becomes for her to find someone willing to marry her. It doesnt make it impossible. Just more challenging. My own mother got re-married in her 50s. So it can definitely still happen if the woman knows her self worth and what she desires.. When you string a woman along for years, youre wasting the most valuable commodity she has going for her: time. Instead of it being her ally, time wasted becomes her nemesis. So do her and yourself a big favor: marry or release her. The sooner the better. Shes not getting any younger, and neither are you. Whats the big hold up anyway? I know sometimes a man holds on because its more convenient and less painful to hold on than to part ways. And sometimes hes waiting, hoping to see a change in the womans ways that will make marrying her a less painful option. I get it. Been there, done that. But take it from me: if you dont know by now (after years of living and being together) that you want to marry her, the answer is obviously no. So just man up already, and make a concrete decision. Thats something women need to realize also: a man that has been with you for a while, who hasnt committed to you via marriage yet is still undecided about being with you. He still has doubts and is leaving his options open in case he decides to eventually bail out. Which is why its crazy for you as a woman to give an undecided, uncommitted man your full faith and confidence. Women allow this to happen because they dont require men to choose up and fully commit. Keep leaving the backdoor open for him to go, dont be surprised when he leaves. Lets stop playing house with each other, and start building homes with each other. One last thing: for those who say marriage aint nothing but a piece of paper: Stop making excuses for lacking a backbone to commit, or for having a low self-esteem. And start conducting yourself like the royalty you claim to be. Black folks are quick to call themselves kings and queens. Well last I checked, kings and queens get married. They dont shack up randomly with different folks like the commoners do.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:26:24 +0000

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