Fellas we have no one to blame but OURSELVES. Did you know that a - TopicsExpress


Fellas we have no one to blame but OURSELVES. Did you know that a GREAT MAJORITY of females INSIST on calling the majority of men CREEPS, PERVERTS and THIRSTY? They CONTINUE to say that US men HARASS them in the streets. They continue to say that we have no control over our dicks, YET us men CONTINUE to APPROACH these SAME females all willy nilly?Us men continue to tell random women that we want them and continue to CHASE these same females in the streets like DOGS chasing MEALS?? These females are quicker to give positive feedback to ANOTHER female complimenting them than a male, yet we STILL continue approach random females in the street with Girl you are so beautiful. You are a blessing from heaven, blah, blah, blah I have already told men, NEVER approach these females in public. They would find you to be disrespectful IF you are not EXACTLY their type. Never give them random compliments. They dont appreciate it. Never chase them, its not worth your time. Never be openly thirsty to females, they may just RIDICULE you. All these behaviors was reserved for when I was MUCH YOUNGER and many of YOU MEN should have grown out of the Thirsty phase by now. As soon as I observed the behavior of these females and what are the responses to men approaching and chasing them I wised up. You men should too. Im not trying to tell you what to do, but dont complain after these women call you thirsty and make fun of you after rejecting you, and then come say Well Selector Jah was right. I should have had control over my thirsty self, and not approach these females, and instead wait for them to show me some sort of interest. Wise up and rise up.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:47:44 +0000

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