Fellow Christians, we are falling under attack by this liberal - TopicsExpress


Fellow Christians, we are falling under attack by this liberal politically correct media more and more every day. Im not standing for intolerance...but many of those who say Im tolerant of all people are liars and hypocrites because they are intolerant against Christians...Im tired of them taking things off the air because it might offend Muslims when theyll show all kinds of crap on TV that DOES OFFEND CHRISTIANS...but then again the Christian faith is being told to silence itself for the sake of being intolerant. This station, which is supposed to be unbiased news, should be pulled off the air is Duck Dynasty had to be cancelled for them praying to Jesus on TV. Adolf Hitler once said that the television was the greatest propaganda machine of all time...the scary thing is that he was right as far as I can tell. Most of what we see on TV is propaganda in one way or another...but now that propaganda being broadcast nowadays through that great propaganda machine is against us Christians. Not only TV though, the evil in this world is creeping its way into our lives through the internet, music we hear, and not to mention social media and the use of smart phones. Its scary to think that just about every average American household nowadays has these things in them. I dont want to seem like a hypocrite sitting here in my computer typing this...but I dont even watch TV on my own time, I like to be outside doing stuff. I dont have a TV in my room. Ive never even owned my own laptop. However. being chained to a place like Silicon Valley requires everyone carry a smartphone everywhere with them at all times. People think its weird to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to them instead of playing on their damn phone around here? A parent doesnt even have to entertain his kids anymore...if all he does is have to hand him an iPad. Many of my own generation bare starting to think Jesus Christ is a thing of the past; well Ive got NEWS for you, hes still alive and He loves each one of us. He has a plan for each one of us, he knew it before any of us were even born. Salvation doesnt come from the cheap thrills of this world, it can only come from God. MY GOD IS NOT DEAD, NOR WAS HE, NOR WILL HE EVER BE. I will not have this media silence me from talking about Him. If it means I have to give up Facebook and other worldly things, so be it. I was never perfect, nor will I ever be, but thats not going to stop me from serving God. AMEN!!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:18:13 +0000

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