Fellow Kansans, Jon Kay and I post this as our endorsement of - TopicsExpress


Fellow Kansans, Jon Kay and I post this as our endorsement of Paul Davis for Kansas Governor. We ask each of you to consider casting your vote for Paul. We dont write this as a Republican or a Democrat, we write it as Kansans. Please know that we are registered Kansas Independent Voters who have always voted for individuals, not political parties. We offer you our personal testimony for Paul Davis. Paul is a decent, God Fearing, family man and Kansan. We have known Paul and his family for many years as friends and know them to be honest, decent Christian people who love our Great State and our Kansas Values Paul is a Man who operates from a moderate, work-across-the aisle, position. Paul will be a hard-working Governor who is committed to restoring Kansas values for Kansas people, most especially our Kansas Public Schools. Paul is not an extremist or an obstructionist!!! He is a man of intelligence and compassion, a man committed to the best interests of all Kansans, not just a select few. These past weeks weve watched Governor Brownbacks campaign air distorted, misleading political television ads produced solely to assassinate Pauls personal character, political ads that have nothing to do with the governance of Kansas. The Brownback campaign misleads Kansans with their half-truths, innuendos, and lies regarding Pauls personal life and his moderate position and governance. We ask that the next time you see one of the countless Brownback personal attack ads demeaning Paul personally to please remember our testimony to Pauls character. These negative, deceitful personal character attacks actually speak more about the questionable character of the Brownback campaign then they do about Paul. We know Paul Davis personally! Paul is a Good, Decent, Family Man dedicated to serving his fellow Kansans and is committed to restoring pride and prosperity in our Great State. Paul will put Kansas back on its historical foundation of sound fiscal policy instead of the current Brownback foundation built on his fiscal theory and experiments which have failed Kansas. Please also remember that while Governor Brownbacks campaign spends millions of dollars to promote personal character assassination ads against Paul Davis they could be spending millions to promote the successes of 4 years under Brownbacks governance, if they could, but they cant. Under the Brownback administration these past 4 years Kansas has seen the money that our Public Schools use to pay teachers, purchase supplies and meet their day to day expenses drop to $548 less on a per-student basis than it was six years ago, both S&P and Moodys have downgraded Kansas credit ratings based on Kansas Revenue declines with no definitive plan to increase them, and their claiming the creation of 55,000 new jobs in Kansas is really a net of less than 45.000 jobs when calculated to include public job losses and is still one of the most sluggish job creations in the Nation, Kansas currently faces a $238 million dollar budget shortfall projected to increase as more special interests tax cuts are added through 2017, we have increased sales tax and personal property taxes which dramatically impacts our middle-class working family budgets, and so it goes with predictions of a bankrupt Kansas. Lets stop this failed experiment now. Paul Davis is the right man, at the right time, for Kansas. We ask you for your vote for Paul Davis. Jon Kay and Ron
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 02:32:41 +0000

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