Fellow Muslims in Sierra Leone and around the world, with humility - TopicsExpress


Fellow Muslims in Sierra Leone and around the world, with humility I wish you a happy end of the Ramadan. Together as people of one faith we have demonstrated our true adherence to one of the pillars of Islam and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him). In the midst of temptation we proclaim our faith in Allah that He is the supreme being and that his holy command shall remain throughout the human family. We pray for the sick across the world on this day that Allah`s peace and blessings will be upon them. Also, We ask for Allah`s provision for the poor and needy. With our prayers this day we remain confident of Allah`s Blessing throughout the world. Today, I joined our Muslim brothers and Sisters in Sierra Leone as we celebrate the end of the Ramadan period of fasting and prayers. As one people we have embraced each other despite our differences and I must congratulate the Muslim leaders, the President, Members of Parliament, Security Forces, Civil Society organizations, the media, traditional rulers and most importantly the people of our great country. In tolerance we eat from one table. Allah is our guide in reaching out as we build a great country. May Allah forgive us for our transgression. And may he guide us as a people towards the path of prosperity. May Allah bestowed in us blessings and sense of common purpose rooted in the Quran and the Hadith towards the betterment of our people. We remain committed in seeking Allah to guide our leaders in putting the aspirations of the people first. Sierra Leone has no reason to be a poor and under-developed country and in the midst of this odd we seek the special grace of Allah to intervene in giving our leaders a sense of urgency in responding to the challenges of underdevelopment that we face as a country. In the present tragedy that is ravaging our country I seek Allah for his define guidance and protection of our health workers who are making enormous sacrifice to enable us overcome this deadly disease. I send special sympathy to the families who have lost their loved ones to the disease. Peace be onto them as they rest in the name of Allah. May Allah also heal those who have contracted the disease. I remain confident in Allah that he will enable us as a country to overcome the Ebola Disease which has ravaged many part of our country. أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً إِنَّ لِلَّهِ مَا أَخَذَ وَلَهُ مَا أَعْطَى وَكُلٌّ عِنْدَهُ بِأَجَلٍ مُسَمَىً فَلَتَصْبِرْ وَلْتَحْتَسِبْ I greet you with the word of peace. Happy Eid Al-Fitr. Alhaji Mohamed Iscandari (Presidential Aspirant, the All Peoples Congress Party)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 04:05:18 +0000

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