Fellow Muslims, let us take it upon ourselves to enlighten people - TopicsExpress


Fellow Muslims, let us take it upon ourselves to enlighten people about the beauty of Islam and how the doctrine of Boko Haram is CONTRARY to its teachings -Alee Ameen. INDEED, a lot of people have no detailed idea what Islam is all about. Their perception and judgement is mostly derived from the negative publicity some selected people of the Islamic background (which does not necessarily make them good Muslims or ambassadors of a religion whose very name means PEACE, and has LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and TOLERANCE as some of its basic principles) A selected minuscule of people who handpicked parts of the doctrine; thwarts, twists and (mis)interprets it to suit their devilish objectives. A selected tiny percentage that uses the good name of Islam for their POLITICAL and bloodthirsty goals. We cannot and should not wait for people to do the research themselves, its our duty to enlighten those who are ignorant of the religion. You simply dont form an opinion or judgment about something from myopia, prejudice and ignorance. Terrorism did not start with Islam; in fact, only a tiny percentage people of Islamic background are terrorists. World population = 7 billion. Muslims = 1.6 billion (25%). Terrorists of Islamic background = 0.001%. BUT: Apologies for any illegal and wrongful violence carried out in the name of ALLAH (SWT).
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 11:19:18 +0000

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