Fellow Nigerians. Let us not be intimidated by the APCs massive - TopicsExpress


Fellow Nigerians. Let us not be intimidated by the APCs massive evil, lying, forgery, corrupt Machinery. It is now clear as crystal that APC and their illiterate lying Presidential Candidate, Pa Buhari (BH) is corruption and forgery personified. They have now exposed themselves BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBTS by the fake Statement of Result they just released for Pa BH. My compatriots, when a group and their supporters say Certificates are not important while another group says Western Education is Haram; are they not of the same philosophy & persuasion? Let me harmonize the points I have highlighted in this discussion so far: (1) The document purporting to emanate from the Katsina State Ministry of Education/Government Secondary School, Katsina is a complete forgery. It purports to be Pa BHs Statement of result but can never be so. Most of us on this forum all went to secondary School too, so take your minds back. After sitting for WAEC, that exams body sends the results of ALL the Students that sat for the exams from a school to that School. The School Authorities then prepare a Statement of Result for each Student in which the scores of each student is set out. This is done on the schools letter-headed paper, signed by the Principal or other appropriate officer and stamped. This is the first official document each student gets of their WAEC result because the WAEC Certificates take between 3-5 years after the exam before they are ready. It is this Statement of Result that most people use in gaining admission to University or employment or recruitment into the Military as the case may be and not even the Certificate which comes later. The point is that this Statement of Result has both an original and duplicates. The School keeps the duplicates while giving the Original to the Student. Today, I have both my WASC Statement of Result on my Secondary School letter-Headed paper and the WAEC issued WASC which I collected some years after I finished Secondary School. THE POINT HERE is that Pa Buharis old School should have photocopied and certified their office duplicate copy of the Statement of Result which they issued to him in 1961. It will be on the letter-head of the Provincial School as at that time, signed by the appropriate officers as at 1961 & with his passport photograph as at 1961. So when, Pa BH applied for a copy of his Statement of Result from his old School, they only needed to go through the files containing their office duplicate copies of Statement of Results year by year until they get to the file for 1961 where they will find a duplicate copy of Pa BHs Statement of Result issued in 1961, photocopy it, certify it and give it to him. The only place the date of 2015 will appear is on the certification stamp. This worthless document provided by Pa BH is a forgery. If he lost his original Statement of Result issued in 1961 having his passport photo as at then, did his School also loose their own copy that led them to purportedly prepare another document in 2015 instead of photocopying and certifying the Statement of Result they issued him in 1961? (2) The current forged document being celebrated by Pa BHs supporters was purportedly based on a Cambridge printout of results for WASC of 1961. I have already pointed out in my earlier contributions that this is another shameless falsehood. Cambridge University had no links or role whatsoever in the conduct or certifying of WASC as at 1961. While it is true that Cambridge & London Universities started the organization & conduct of the WASC examinations, the Colonial Governments in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia established by Ordinances, the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) in 1952. From 1952 WAEC, an independent body totally took over the conduct and certification of WASC. So in 1961, it was WAEC and not Cambridge University that conducted the exams purportedly taken by Pa BH. It had absolutely nothing to do with Cambridge and so any so-called Cambridge printout is a total forgery. (3) To make matters worse, the purported Cambridge printout from where the Katsina Ministry of Education/Secondary School obtained the data it published as the Statement of Results for Pa BH, contains the name of Shehu Musa YarAdua as a candidate for the WASC of 1961. Again this is complete and utter falsehood. YarAdua joined the Army in 1959 and by 1964 he had already graduated from Sandhurst in England. There was therefore no way he could have sat for the WASC with Pa BH in 1961 which is two years after he had already joined the Army. It is clear that Pa BH is not a man of honor; he built his entire career on falsehood and deceit. He is still thriving on deceiving Nigerians by pretending anti-corruption credentials while hobnobbing with some of the most corrupt & certificate forging Nigerians like Tinubu, Atiku, Amaechi, etc. Mentioning his name and anti-corruption in the same breath is a travesty. He swore to an affidavit on Oath that ALL his documents were with the Army. When the Army burst that lie from the pit of hell, he recanted and said he swore to that oath on an assumption. He then proceeded to assume that his school has them and promised to get it from them. But alas, the school does not have a copy of the exact Statement that was allegedly issued to him by them in 1961; instead, they quickly forged another mockery of a document in January 2015 purportedly based on data from a fictitious Cambridge printout. In doing this, the school did not bother to tell us why they did not do the normal thing in these circumstances; which is photocopy and certify the exact document they issued in 1961. But wait: has Pa BH offered any explanation as to why HE ALONE of all the Military personnel, serving and retired, is the only one whose originals & all copies were allegedly given to the Military? Even if he gave his originals to the Military, he was so daft that he did not at least make and keep copies? All other officers including those recruited in 1961 all have their documents with them. Today, my child from Southern Nigeria will score 200 marks in exams to the Unity Schools but will not be offered admission but the child from Katsina will score 10 and be admitted. The same applies for recruitment into the Military. It is through this corrupt-ridden quota system that the likes of Pa BH were recruited into the MIlitary based on mere recommendation without any certificate but their fellow country men who already had superior results were denied. APC supporters on this forum want us to leave this issue and discuss more serious matters. The fact that their candidate is a deceiver whose entire career is built on forgery is not a serious issue to them. They parrot change and anti-corruption like a mantra but are only making a caricature, parody and mockery of themselves and their candidate. If Pa BH becomes President tomorrow (God forbid), merit will be thrown out of the window: favored cronies will get juicy appointments, contracts and patronage on mere recommendation while qualified compatriots will be told by the likes of Dr. Abayomi that certificates are not important. People will use affidavits in place of certificates to rise to the next level. THAT IS THE REAL CHANGE we will see with a government formed by Tinubu and acolytes. FOR APC, GENUINE CERTIFICATES ARE HARAM
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:08:39 +0000

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