Fellow Patriot - Sheriff Joe Arpaio fights for us to uphold the - TopicsExpress


Fellow Patriot - Sheriff Joe Arpaio fights for us to uphold the rule of law against illegal aliens. But his opponents will not stop in their efforts to bring him down. First, Obamas corrupt Attorney General sued Sheriff Joe for his immigration enforcement -- but Obamas case was thrown out for lack of evidence. Then, after winning a Sheriffs election last year that saw George Soros spend a staggering $10 million to try and defeat him -- far more than most U.S. Congressional campaigns - Joe then had to defeat a recall attempt just 6 months later. And now, just months after that victory, Sheriff Joe - the most prominent national symbol in the fight against illegal immigration - is once again the target of the open-borders lobby - and he needs your help. And this time the outcome could affect the entire nation. Please make an emergency donation to help Sheriff Joe right now - $20, $35, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford. THE DETAILS Thats right, now that Joe has prevailed over the recall, a Federal judge with ties to the illegal alien-protecting ACLU, has ruled against Americas Sheriff - outrageously stating that enforcing the rule of law against illegal aliens amounts to racial profiling against Latinos. The judge even outrageously ordered that Sheriff Joe submit his law enforcement decisions to his allies at the radical ACLU for approval! This despite the fact that Joe and his deputies have been cleared and even praised by a Federal ICE audit to be fully complying with existing laws, and not profiling based on race. Yet, just weeks ago, leftist Judge Murray Snow issued his ruling, and prohibited Joe and his deputies from “using race as a factor” in law-enforcement decisions related to immigration, and outrageously said the fact that most illegal aliens arrested for identity theft and other crimes are Latino proves racist intent. Worse - these groups say the case against Sheriff Joe will be used as a precedent to bar enforcement against illegal aliens nationwide. Sheriff Joe says if this happens America will have a permanent, virtual amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens So Joe has launched a vigorous appeal of the Judges ruling. But he needs your help to prevail! Please make an emergency donation to help Sheriff Joe right now - $20, $35, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford. If the ACLU and La Raza prevail in this case, it will set a legal precedent that enforcement against illegal aliens is unconstitutional racial profiling. Since the ruling, Joe has not backed down - continuing to conduct workplace raids - including one this past week which netted 121 illegal aliens using stolen identities of Americans. Two of the illegals were even using the SSNs of deceased citizens! But these raids will come to a screeching halt if this judges ruling prevails. Joe will not quit. He cannot quit. Because his county - Americas 4th largest - is under constant siege from criminal aliens. Unlike other politicians, who continually let us down, Joe remains true to our priciples: secure borders, rule of law, and a refusal to cave in for the sake of politics. But Joe does not have the resources to battle the Left, George Soros, the media and now a Federal judge by himself. He needs our help. Please help Sheriff Joe fight judicial tyranny and restore the rule of law to immigration enforcement. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his deputies apprehend a staggering 25% of all criminal illegal aliens in the entire U.S. every year - 80% of whom are heading for states other than Arizona when caught. That means Joe doesnt just keep illegal alien rapists, robbers, gangbangers and identity thieves out of Arizona – he also keeps criminals from threatening your city or town, and those across America. And with this case - if Joe can hold the line against this activist judge - he can keep the La Raza radicals from gutting immigration enforcement across the nation. Please do whatever you can to help him prevail. This is OUR fight....all of us, as Americans. Thank you! P.S. In addition to making a contribution, please do Joe a favor and forward this email to at least five of your friends, family members and other individuals who share our views. Together we can win this fight. Thank you
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:59:42 +0000

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