Fellow Patriots, I wont lie. Between all the madness happening - TopicsExpress


Fellow Patriots, I wont lie. Between all the madness happening in Russia, the middle east and here at home, its easy to get distracted and beat down. I work in the news business so I know full well how depressing it can be seeing whats happening all around us. I know it all too well. Add to that the announcement yesterday that liberal non-Republican Republican Jeb Bush announced an intention to run for President and it feels like salt in a wound. And the triple whammy is John Boehners nasty betrayal of voters just a month after a massive landslide election win for Republicans. Look, I know a lot of you want to wave the white flag and head for the hills. God knows Ive thought about it many times. But let me remind you of a simple fact in our History that changed everything. 3%. Thats right. Only 3% of American colonists were all in during the American revolution. Some 30% were loyalists to the crown, 30% were sympathetic to the revolutionary cause, and the rest were neutral. Again, 3%. Or, as three percenters like to put it... III%. As enticing as it is to wave the white flag and give up, Im American. Its not in my core being to give up. Ever. I was born in 1979 and was fortunate to live a decent childhood in the greatest nation the world has ever seen. No, my parents werent wealthy. My dad was a pastor and my mom had to work full time to help feed my brother, sister and I. But we had opportunity. I had my first job at the age of 12. I would get up at 5:30 AM every morning and roll newspapers before mounting the bike for a freezing cold early morning delivery route. I hated it, but I loved it. I earned my money and have ever since. Todays kids dont have those same opportunities because theyve been stolen out from under them. Todays kids are saddled with debt at levels we cant even fathom. Yes, today presents extraordinarily trying times and its hard to imagine victory can find its way through the thick of it all. That said, the III% were against greater odds. They faced the charge of treason at every turn. Every meeting they attended, every time they picked up a firearm, every time they whispered a plan, they put themselves and their families directly on the radar of the king. They fought. They fought hard. Not just mentally, politically and economically... but also physically. Now Im not suggesting we fight physically right now, but I am suggesting to wave the white flag is, well, unAmerican. So what can we do? Well, for starters, I need you to join with me at Patriot Action Network and consider taking up a leadership position within the network. Click here to set up a free account now (94,000+ members already have). patriotaction.net/main/authorization/signUp Patriot Action Network is our own social network built with heavy emphasis on a political organizing component called Patriot Caucus. The Patriot Caucus group already has 2,700 members and its growing. All 50 states have their own group as well. Some of the state groups are already over 1,000 members strong. Click here to view your state group now. patriotaction.net/state-directory Now before you think to yourself that youre not qualified to be a state coordinator, regional coordinator, social media coordinator, volunteer, coordinator, political director or communications director for your state or region, know Im nothing more than a paper delivery boy who became a blogger and self-taught myself to be a national organizer. With no experience Ive managed campaigns, run PACs, built websites that see 100,000+ visitors a day and created social media pages with more than 1.5 million fans. My personal Facebook page, for example, has 37,000 fans alone! I dont say this to brag. I say it because I believe many of you have the SAME potential. Why? Because youre American, thats why. And by God given abilities and rights we have the potential to move mountains. In 2016 were going to defeat Harry Reid, John Boehner and more. I have no doubt. That is, IF you and I and thousands of others unite unlike never before. That is, if we unite and create a network of Americans ready to do something different, something new and something on a grand scale. Dont sit there on your phone or computer and think this isnt a message for you. This message is crafted SPECIFICALLY for you. I may not know you personally, but I relate to you. Ive been through it all. Ive been broke as ever and Ive had some highs in life. Ive seen political devastation and lost campaigns by less than 400 votes, and Ive been a part of campaigns that never should have won but did. And I know the feeling of wanting to walk away. But right now Ill be damned if Im going to quit. Give me liberty or give me death means something to me. Its not just a bumper sticker. Its at the core of who I am. Please, step up and join me. Click here to set up a Patriot Action Network account and then click here to view volunteer leadership opportunities now. patriotaction.net/help-wanted DO NOT DO NOTHING. Help us build the largest network of patriots right now. Help us build for 2016 and put up the political fight of our lives. Join us right now and lets make a stand. patriotaction.net/main/authorization/signUp Candidate recruitment, GOTV, community organizing, statewide meetings, candidate ratings, crashing townhalls, exposing investigative journalism... were going to do it all and then some. You need to get on board with this. Liberty News, Grassfire, Patriot Action Network has a motto. Report Truth, Take Action. We report truth day in and day out. Its time for us to now take action. You with me? Contact me on Skype at ericjodom or Gtalk at ericjodom. I want to hear from you if you have questions, comments or concerns. For Liberty, -Eric Odom
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:06:41 +0000

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