Fellow Singaporeans, “Selfishness and greed, whether individual - TopicsExpress


Fellow Singaporeans, “Selfishness and greed, whether individual or national, are the cause of most of our problems.” – Harry S. Truman PAP growth at all costs Immigration policy (NATIONAL GREED) has caused wage suppression and job loss to many Native Singaporeans. Every year PAP collects billions dollars of revenue from sales of land, COEs, ERPs, investments, rental, taxes, stamp duties, fines, gst, cpf, medisave etc. but spend ZERO DOLLAR on Native Singaporeans’ Housing, CPF and Healthcare (NATIONAL SELFISHNESS). Every year SHAMELESS PAP (NATIONAL SELFISHNESS) ask Native Singaporeans to donate money to Charities and pass the financial woes of the Average Poor Native Singaporeans to the VWOs, Donors and Volunteers to handle. PAP boast Native Singaporeans have the highest public housing ownerships and are Assets Rich because of the fast appreciation of HDB flats prices resulted from the shortage and speculation of HDB flats from New Immigrants. PAP and their supporters always “Bully for the sake of Bully” accused Native Singaporeans of being “Ungrateful”, “Can’t Make It”, “Cry Father, Cry Mother” and asked Native Singaporeans to compare themselves with Third World Citizens without “Look At Themselves In The Mirror”. PAP ALWAYS want to be Worlds Number One in everything they do and get Worlds Number One salaries. Why Native Singaporeans CANNOT have Worlds Number One in Citizens Benefits ? Why dont PAP be LESS NATIONAL GREEDY for money and fame and look after Native Singaporeans’ Interest First like other countries since PAP ask Native Singaporeans to compare themselves with Citizens from less developed countries and be contented ? Why don’t PAP be LESS NATIONAL SELFISH and spend more money on the Average Poor Native Singaporeans like other countries ? Why PAP so generous to spend money on Integration Fund and welcome New Immigrants to steal Native Singaproeans’ meals ? WITH THE HELP of VWOs , Donors and Volunteers handling the Average Poor Native Singaporeans’ financial woes, PAP Ministers will have “No Worries” and continue to draw their World’s highest millions dollars salaries (INDIVIDUAL GREED/ SELFISHNESS) while their Part Time MPs “Yes Men/ Women” will have “No Worries” and can continue to hold various jobs and earn millions of dollars salaries (INDIVIDUAL GREED/ SELFISHNESS) serving Constituents with PART TIME attitude and responsibilities. Recently AMK GRC PAP Part Time MP Yeo Guat Kwang holding 64 jobs banned a Singaporean from his FB for discussing the death of his elderly constituent due to overnight queue for free food. Guys, do you want a Government (PAP) to run Singapore based on NATIONAL/ INDIVIDUAL GREED AND SELFISHNESS and enrich Themselves, The Rich and New Immigrants at the expense of Native Singaporeans and throw the problems they created (wage suppression, job loss and financial woes of the Average Poor Native Singaporeans) to VWOs, Donors and Volunteers to handle ? Where is PAP accountability and responsibility as a Government to its Citizens ? Guys, will you donate money and volunteer yourselves to help such Government (PAP) ? Quote What exactly is “poverty” in Singapore? In Singapore, it is highly unlikely that you will find beggars lining the streets or see starving children walking the pavements, scrounging for food. The poor and needy in our society struggle with “relative poverty” —simply defined as that their financial resources fall substantially below what is needed to pay for the necessities of living in Singapore. Due to various factors like health issues and family circumstances, they struggle to survive on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, they are caught in a vicious poverty cycle, with little or no means to make a better life for themselves. Their children are often not able to do better than their parents due to lack of access to knowledge and educational support. For example, the child would quit school to work and supplement the family’s income, simply trying to put food on the table. Read Mr Ang’s plight here. mws.org.sg/Dispatcher?action=SocialIssueTopic&id=Sc12ce388725076 Govt spends nothing on Healthcare, CPF & HDB? leongszehian/?p=6148
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:20:53 +0000

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