Fellow fighters this programme is an initiative that was prompted - TopicsExpress


Fellow fighters this programme is an initiative that was prompted by interest expressed by fighter who were requesting political mentorship. This programme is indeed inspired by the pronouncement of the NPA declaration on political education. “.Political education of all our members shall be the priority of the movement at all times, because we accept the observation by Thomas Sankara that a soldier without political and ideological training is a potential criminal. A fighter without rigorous and active political consciousness becomes vulnerable to counter-revolutionary capture and lumpen radicalism. Our radicalism shall always be based on revolutionary discipline. This is way beyond what any single individual acting alone, or even a loose affiliation of individuals could ever achieve. We shall always strive to thrash out our differences, be faithful to the revolutionary ideas of the organisation through good and bad times and through this whole process look out for each other. In this way we shall express our revolutionary outlook and collectivity while at the same time boosting the revolutionary morale of membership and society as whole.” Base on this profound statement articulated in the declaration on political education, an initiative is taken to facilitated concreate discussions. Fellow fighters the mentorship political initiative programme shall called “THE COMING REVOLUTION CONCRETE CONTENT POLITICAL SCHOOL” The immediate content curriculum 1. NPA Declaration 2. EFF Manifesto • Wars of Resistance • EFF 15 Points of our political departure and analysis in South Africa • Pillars of our revolution • The Motive Force • What is Nationalisation ANC Myth • Ready to Govern false hope • RDP the a wolf in sheep skin policy • Gear world bank mandate • Assigisa cementation neoliberalism in South Africa • New Growth Path zigzag economic policy • NDP the glorification of poverty and postponement of Promised Land. • 3. Theory of our Revolution • What is Marxism • What Leninism • What is Fanonian school of thought 4. Revolutionary Theory and Tools of Analysis • What is Philosophy • Historical Materialism • Dialectical Materialism • Lessons from other Revolutions • Revolutionary ethos and values • Conditions of Armed struggle • Revolutionary violence • What is the revolution and its stages • Taking and keeping state power • The Struggle of socialist transition under parliamentary democracy • History of African of African revolutions • Theory of Armed Struggle and Parliamentary approach • The Art of War 4. The origin of Political Spectrums school of thought • What is Left political school of thought • What is right wing and neoliberalism school of thought • What is Political Economy 5.Biographies of Revolutionaries This is just the basic immediate intervention programme. The recommended books is the for first phase : Coming Revolution Edited by Floyd Shivambu, Lost in transformation by Sampie Terreblanche Revolutionary thoughts in 20th Century Edited by Ben Turok, Frantz Fanon Biography by David Macey, Lenin Biography by Robert Service, Origin of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama, communist manifesto and Lenin highest stage of Imperialism. Fighters’ reading is a must if you want to develop. Based on my 30 years’ experience as a trainer on political training and ideology this is the basic starting point. Together will teach each other. Next year is going to a year of revolutionary action it is important that we equip ourself with revolutionary theory. No more postponement. Salute
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:13:34 +0000

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