Female Soldier Given an Aliyah in IDF Navy Shul (Monday, September - TopicsExpress


Female Soldier Given an Aliyah in IDF Navy Shul (Monday, September 30th, 2013) During a minyan taking place in a shul in an IDF Navy base, a female soldier was given an aliyah and permitted to make the bracha. This occurred in a training base in Haifa. Hesder talmidim who reportedly took part in the minyan remained silent according to the report. The IDF Spokesman’s Office reports the matter is being investigated towards determining future policy. The base is question serves to train members of the navy for their assignments. This is a naval base that hosts daily minyanim, not a regular event in the navy which is the most secular branch of the IDF. Many of the soldiers assigned to the training base are hesder soldiers who serve on Dabur patrol boats. When the female soldier was given an aliyah some of the members of the minyan, including officers, voiced their objections; however the report stresses that the hesder talmidim davka did not. No explanation is given. The gabbai who called the female for an aliyah is a civilian employee of the military. The young female is a graduate of a prominent dati leumi girls Ulpana high school in Yerushalayim and takes part in the daily minyanim in the base shul. When the gabbai called her for an aliyah she came forward and recited the bracha. According to those present for the minyan, the base rav or his representative were not part of the minyan. - See more at: theyeshivaworld/news/General+News/189527/Female-Soldier-Given-an-Aliyah-in-IDF-Navy-Shul.html#sthash.oKmsZCsR.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:46:44 +0000

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