Female equality?? Dont make us laugh! Why should they lower - TopicsExpress


Female equality?? Dont make us laugh! Why should they lower themselves? Males are natures cannon fodder; women the creators, teachers, nourishers...ergo the natural leaders. It wasnt a male face which launched a thousand ships but it happened for the sake of male ego. Males are driven to be flashy and fierce so that they can stand out from the rest during mating season; what happens when evolutionary programming meets sociological programming? Well, we get male chauvinism, ethnocentrism, inequality, archaism and war, to name a few. Are they compatible; surely one originally spawned the other? Sure but then why arent we as smart and pure as nonhumans? If our sociological programming is based upon the evolutionary programming, inherent in all animals since the last universal common ancestor, then why is it so perverted? Two things to consider here: 1) We are merely the only extant species of hominid but there were so many other species before ours ruthlessly decimated the majority; imagine if the only kind of birds were canaries and the only kinds of fish were trout, it would be weird, then why arent more homo sapiens puzzled by the fact that our family tree has been whittled down to a single stick? So, that evolutionary programming gave way to many different versions (there was a kind of hominid with cow like teeth who ate grass, imagine the world with them in charge!) and then our species decided survival of the most brutal was the way to go and that was the foundation for our sociological programming. 2) The second thing to consider is the fact that evolutionary programming and sociological programming can reprogram each other. Variables like random mutation, epigenetics, and natural selection are affected by both evolution and societal forces (completely ignoring the daunting effects from quantum forces); chance mutation based on predictable rate of evolution or were there no activists to protest the nuclear station you live next to because no one abides smelly hippies because work is good and idleness is the devils playground; is it, by economic necessity, a dog-eat-dog world (strange saying because packs stick together) and thus to be successful and breed you must be mean and nice is for losers who cant find mates and then 100 years later we have a world full of assholes whose genes are made up of asshole genes and who have evolved to not even consider asshole things assholey? All the freedoms we enjoy, all the social reforms, the bleeding heart causes (like child sweatshops) which translate translate generations later to children having childhoods, all these things were first fought for by women; mothers and widows and sisters wailing over the mangled bodies of there children and husbands; women oppressed by the yoke of male supremacy until they snapped back and said Enough!. Women who volunteered at the workhouses and orphanages and those who ran the underground railroads and used their wiles to suss out enemy secrets. While men were busy being Captains of Industry and driving the march for economic progress over the hapless masses and developing the world into a giant parking lot/oil refinery, women were busy trying to pull everyone from under the collective boot heel of this ego-driven madness. Weekends, minimum wage (because who makes less than woman?), health and safety.. all the small successes which allowed us to get to this point in time & space where were finally strong enough to finally make things right. Obviously there have been men involved in all these causes, suffrage to animal rights but it wasnt male culture that well let em out of the kitchen to get jobs but they better not lag on the housework bullshit or even the maybe we should let women be equal shit.. If you think that equality is something to be bestowed then you dont truly believe in equality. All Earth (and, when we find it, intergalactic) creatures have equal rights to this planet and its bounty, regardless of anything but if they are actively trying to oppress/maim/destroy others, just as this planet has the right to exist in peace. Equality is a fact; whether humans deign to acknowledge this fact and act accordingly is the REAL, the ONLY, issue. So until the men catch up to the women on positive, universal social reform, they are most certainly not equals to women. vimeo/111984226 #Women #Equality #Indigenous
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:15:01 +0000

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