Femi Fani-Kayode: The Rantings Of A Tabula Rasa! By Kayode - TopicsExpress


Femi Fani-Kayode: The Rantings Of A Tabula Rasa! By Kayode Fakuyi. I have read several of the many sponsored yet cryptic articles of Mr Femi Fani-Kayode; a former minister turned President Jonathan apologist. If I am cultured to be an abusive dude, I would borrow the Yoruba slut name of elenunjawaya to describe him for the rest of this article. But to lend him courtesy, one would simply refer to him as FFK. Making responses to individuals who have already been disgraced out of public service before now, in itself, is metaphorical to visiting a toilet. But the lessons from the words of Joseph Goebbels, the popular propagandist of Adolf Hitler cannot but force ones fingers on these tiny tabs of the keyboard. If a lie is repeated often, the very terrific image maker of the worlds most notorious mass massacre initiator (just as much as other world power brokers though) believes, would become truth! FFK is shouting everywhere now that it is only President Jonathan that can rule this country. That any other person contesting must go the blazes. He shamelessly forgets, as one reader reminded us that a president who does not understand the meaning of class or honesty and who breaks his own word consistently cannot continue to stir the ship of our noble country. The same FFK also said a president who has abdicated his responsibilities, destroyed his own political party, divided his own country...abandoned his own people, brought ridicule to his own faith...and break his solemn oath to protect and defend the Nigerian people should be removed. All of a sudden, FFK was summoned to Abuja and won over. Recall that he has a money laundering case with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which has been on prosecution for long now. His recent homophobic shouts and lies may not be unconnected to his recent case with EFCC on November 17th, 2014 where the trial judge proclaimed he has a case to answer: The prosecution has made a prima facie case on count 25 and 26 and as a result, the accused should appear before the court and open his defence on the mentioned counts, -(Justice Rita Ofili-Ajumogobia) Despite being discharged and acquitted on other count charges which were initially 40, FFK needs to blow the piper loud again so that the axe will be taken away from him. One would then not be surprised when few days after the judgement, FFK is already throwing banters and attacks all around. A political commentator, Mr Segun Fadipe recently made this remark on the ongoing campaign of calumny by FFK against GMB: Femi Fani-Kayode is from the lineage of the Yoruba political cabal of the First Republic! His father, who was deputy to the late Samuel Ladoke Akintola, belonged to the tiny Yoruba clique, which the late Ahmadu Bello’s Northern Peoples Congress used to destabilise Yoruba land and destroy Yoruba unity in the First Republic. The damage this cabal did to Yoruba psyche – imprisonment of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo – is still reverberating till date and many have yet to forgive Chief Remi Fani-Kayode (aka Fani Power), father to Femi Fani-Kayode. Nipa eso won la o ti mo won (By their fruits, we shall know them!). Today, (FFK) is behaving in the same manner! Generations of ostriches dont change. Cant discerning minds diagnose FFK in the last 3 years? Maybe you are not aware of how he was going cap in hands from one Fayemi to Fashola begging for money and others when he claimed to have decamped to the APC. The APC leaders knew he was a mole being planted in their midst by PDP! When he was not given audience, he went back, like a dog, to his vomit! If he is a politician, he should go and contest for just State House of Assembly membership in Ile-Ife. This is a politician that has no grassroots contacts at all. The above remark should be a concern to FFK. In a recent rant, FFK enthused: If the truth must be told, the only thing that is worse than Boko Haram are those in the Nigeria political class that secretly support and covertly assist them. A Buhari presidency would be a danger to the christian community and clear evidence of the final victory and triumph of Boko Haram and the Jihadists over the Nigeria state. It would also represent the end of Nigeria as one nation The intellectual fever in FFKs words are not circumstantial, it is the consciously adopted disease of the retrogressive cabinet of FFKs sponsor. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo as well noted recently that the reason Boko Haram escalated to this point is that President Jonathan did not understand the scourge by labelling it religious. This is not untrue. But Obasanjo failed to add that it is a deliberate act by the presidency. Two reasons are suggested for this. GEJ won the last election largely on ethnic and religious sentiments. While ruling on, he is comfortable to ride on the chauvinism. And this leads to the second reason: there are media reports that GEJ gains in the arms economy involved in the Boko Haram war. This possibly accounts for why FG trade illegally as shown in the FG/Oritsejafo armsgate uncovered in South Africa. Another annoying rant of FFK is that Buhari has soft spot for Boko Haram. This is so ridiculous. GMB himself has described Boko Haram members as Godless Murderers and Kidnappers who should be made to face the full wrath of law. This is a man who was also a victim of bomb attack of the same sect this year, sustaining casualties in his entourage. Buhari himself escaped in whiskers! Elenunjawayas like FFK could afford to mess around with their buccal cavity without caution. And global investigators have revealed politicians sponsoring Boko Haram this year. Buharis name was obviously missing. It is a PDP leader in the Northeast that was mentioned. And the media report that GEJ has delegated a legion of soldiers to escort the same man all around the country is yet undenied.FFK is obviously blind to all this. Wetin man go chop, no allow am talk sense again! FFKs reference to Thisday Newspaper’s story headlined: ‘’The military offensive against Boko Haram is anti-North – General Muhammadu Buhari’ on the 3rd of June, 2013 is related to the issues raised by GMB on the State of Emergency President Jonathan declared in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states in north-eastern Nigeria on the 14th of May, 2013. Though, the headline is apparently misleading, the issue GMB raised bothers on the desirability of SOE when there were other available and better options to arrest the rising insurgency in Nigeria. Lo and Behold, SOE has been effective in those states for 19 months, can FFK and his sponsors tell Nigerians that SOE has actually met target in those troubled states? The answer is NO and Nigerians are aware. For FFK to insinuate that GMB has soft spot for terrorists by bringing to the fore the newspaper article is being clever by half. In fact, GMB as head of state rooted out the Maitatsine sect which started during the President Shehu Shagari era. Maitatsine is a transfiguration of Boko Haram. He used his powers to end the insurgency. He didnt blame the insurgency on the comments or words of some leaders. GMB displayed exemplary leadership. FFK wrote, An individual once said, only last year, that ‘’an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the North’’; in 2001, that he wanted to ‘’spread Sharia throughout the federation’’; that “Muslims should only vote for Muslims’’; that ‘’why should Christians be concerned when Muslims cut off their limbs under Sharia”; and that ‘’after all the limbs that are being cut off are Muslim ones and not Christians; so why should the Christians other about it?’’ These quotes linked to GMB by FFK are still the regular circulated lies of FFK & co. They are obvious lies. The actual version of these misquoted statements are available in the public domain if FFK is not such a lazy and mischievous soul. GMB himself have had opportunities to put the record straight as regards those misquoted statements. All in all, it is clear FFK wants Nigerians to vote against GMB because of those misquoted statements himself and his sponsors originated and sponsored while very comfortable with a President whose actions and inactions have caused the nation the estimated killings of over 100,000 Nigerians (a conservative figure, though) since the onset of the Boko Haram crises without an end in sight. FFK, Haba! GMB is not the Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces should take responsibility. The continued campaign of calumny against GMB by FFK & co can only further expose the weaknesses of President Jonathan. Is GMB responsible for the paltry portion of appropriated and approved budget that the Nigerian Army and Force Headquarters receive yearly? Why should a FFK direct the obvious incompetence of his sponsor(s) to GMB? Is FFK too confuse to know that the buck stops on the table of Mr President? The credibility of GMB to govern Nigeria is unquestionable, his competence is not doubtful and his integrity is untainted. FFK lacks the credibility to direct questions to GMB. Those questions are obviously ridiculous. Those questions should be thrown into the bin of infamy by Nigerians. GMB has issued more press statements to condemn insurgency in Nigeria than all former presidents (civilian and military) combined. And his stand on insurgency is clear as shown by the way he dealt with the Maitatsine sect during his headship of Nigeria. Mr President should do his jobs or be removed as FFK once advised. The intervention of statesmen like GMB is restricted to condemning insurgency and giving moral support to Armed Forces which was exactly what he did at the Eagle Square, Abuja on 15th of October, 2014 when he said, I would like us to place on record our appreciation for the efforts of our Armed Forces under the new leadership and police in confronting these challenges. This is an occasion to celebrate and appreciate their efforts”. One has to conclude this article by telling Nigerians to ignore men who hate truth, honesty, honour and clarity of purpose like FFK. The survival of the piper rest on how much tunes he can dole out to the delight of his sponsor. The whole country has learnt much that Boko Haram is not religious nor tribal. It is a political question of terrorism largely gingered by the extent of the backwardness of a society. The rate of poverty and unemployment. There are both short and long answers to insurgency like Boko Haram. The short is to halt state of emergency and collaborate with the civilians to resist them. The current Civilian JTF has shown that, with the collaboration of the Governor Kassim Shetimma-led state government. State of Emergency only bring in genocides like the Baga massacre and many more which divide and add more to peoples agony. Then real dialogue and negotiation should be considered. The long approach is to develop the country and eradicate poverty, unemployment, and some other ailments that now bedevil our country. The case that our economy is growing (as we were told) and austerity is announced about two months later is that of failed governance. Our people are gnashing their teeth. If that is the same conditions that tabula rasas like Femi Fani-Kayode wants us to continue to dance, Nigerians please tell him the people yet differ. FFK should dance along with his payers to the market of dishonour and infamy all alone! For GMB, may your birthday bring forth more fulfilling years in good health. Kayode Fakuyi writes from Akure. E-mail: kayodefakuyi@gmail He is the Coordinator of Buhari Vanguard, Ondo State. Ojudu Babafemi
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:36:33 +0000

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